Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, November 25, 1996              TAG: 9611260049
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-3  EDITION: METRO 


The Colorado Rockies announced Sunday that Bill McGuire will return to manage the Salem Avalanche in 1997 and will be joined by two newcomers - pitching coach Bryn Smith and coach Stu Cole.

McGuire led Salem to a 62-76 record last season, his second year as a minor-league manager. Smith pitched for three big-league clubs in 13 seasons, posting a 108-94 record and 3.53 earned run average. His best season was 1985, when he was 18-5 for the Montreal Expos.

Cole comes to Salem from Asheville, N.C., where he was a coach for the Rockies' South Atlantic League affiliate.

* Two Southwest Virginia youths placed second in the Washington Redskins' regional Punt, Pass & Kick championship.

Four girls and four boys captured top honors and go on to national competition after the regional competition at RFK Stadium on Sunday.

Covington's Haven Wright Jr. placed second in the boys' age 10-11 division, while Brandon Bales of Richlands was runner-up in the boys' 12-13 group. Pulaski's Whitney Gray placed fourth in the girls' 10-11 division.

* Erin Saleeby scored two goals as the Roanoke Star U-11 girls' soccer team beat the Columbia (S.C.) Nightmare 2-1 in the finals of the Raleigh (N.C.) Elks Shootout.

LENGTH: Short :   32 lines

by CNB