Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, November 28, 1996            TAG: 9612030013


With the liturgical season of Advent beginning Sunday, activity in Roanoke Valley churches moves into a faster pace. For the next four Sundays, concerts, pageants and outdoor tableaux will occupy congregations. A tradition in some churches is a "hanging of the greens" service Sunday, so that the church will be decorated for programs in the weeks ahead. In other parishes, however, the Advent theme of the coming of Christ is expressed in solemnity, and festivities are postponed until Christmas Eve.


Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1837 Deyerle Road S.W., has scheduled a concert of the vocal and instrumental music of Colonial Williamsburg and frontier Appalachia Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Child care will be provided.

At Calvary Baptist Church, 608 Campbell Ave. S.W., youth choirs will perform in the costume of several countries Sunday at 11 a.m. "Christmas Around the World" will also include seasonal music by the Sanctuary Choir and the handbell ringers.

The Garth Newel Chamber Players will present a concert Sunday at 3 p.m. at the historic Fincastle Presbyterian Church. This is the ninth annual benefit for the Botetourt County Fuel Assistance Program. An offering will be taken for those eligible through the county's social services office.

At Peters Creek Church of the Brethren, 5333 Cove Road, harpist Song Hee Uhm will be featured Sunday at 11 a.m. in program on the music of Advent. More music, especially for families in the community, is planned at 5 p.m. when a chili and soup supper will begin. Recordings of this music will be taken to shut-ins of the church and to others who call 562-4346.


The Community Christmas Store, a project of volunteers in Salem, Roanoke County and Vinton, will be open Dec. 13 and 14 at Roanoke and Fourth streets in Salem. The store, which is stocked by donations of clothing, toys, food and other gifts, sells these at reduced prices to eligible households and also provides a free food basket. To donate items or volunteer, call 389-3700. Last year the Salem store served 1,000 children and 186 seniors and disabled adults.


Free Thanksgiving dinner, an annual ministry to the community of Salem Presbyterian Church, will be served there today at noon. The meal, for which church members donate, cook and serve food, will take place in Gresham Hall on North Market Street in downtown Salem. The meal is open not only to low-income families and individuals but also to anyone who would otherwise be alone for the holiday.

Grace United Methodist Church, 4404 Williamson Road, will sponsor a community puppet program Saturday at 2 p.m. It will feature Jack Foreaker, a puppeteer who has previously visited the church. The show is free.

Facing Christmas "health-fully" will be the theme of a potluck supper and nutrition program Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Belmont United Methodist Church. Open to the community, it is one of a series of events sponsored by the Southeast Roanoke Christian Partnership of five congregations and two service agencies. The church is at 806 Jamison Ave. S.E.

St. John Lutheran Church, which serves the Cave Spring area, has marked its 40th anniversary with the recognition of 10 charter members. The congregation also recently approved continued planning for a columbarium and an addition to its building.

"A Woman in Love,", a play about the life of the founder of Madonna House lay Roman Catholic ministry, will be presented Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. at Roanoke Catholic High School auditorium. Cynthia Donnelly will portray Catherine de Hueck Doherty. The international ministry is represented by a retreat house in Roanoke.

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