Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, December 3, 1996              TAG: 9612030043
COLUMN: Good Neighbors Fund


Dave Wiseman is a strapping 28-year-old with a firm handshake and a strong, confident manner to go with it. In his baseball cap and T-shirt, which reads: ``No Fear,'' he looks more as if he belongs in a college dormitory than in a shelter for the homeless.

And yet he spends his nights at the Rescue Mission and his days at Roanoke Area Ministries' day shelter.

``I don't look like I belong here,'' he agrees.

Wiseman has been homeless since he ran away at 15. He has lived with his parents from time to time, ``but it just doesn't work out,'' he said, and so he fends for himself.

Wiseman is the first to admit that he has made a mess of it. The only jobs he has held have lasted no more than two weeks, and he has never made enough money to support himself. His marriage fell apart, he hasn't seen his son in two years, and he has spent most of the past 13 years partying, doing as he pleased, and often feeling depressed and sorry for himself.

After all these years, Wiseman also knows how to work the system.

``Being homeless is not what people put it up to be,'' he said. ``There's no excuse for anyone going hungry or without clothes in Roanoke. There are at least six places where you could eat every day, and plenty of places you can get clothes.''

But ``I'm almost 30,'' Wiseman said, ``and it's getting scary. I don't want to see myself here 30 years from now. It's time for me to grow up and to take advice from other people. Doing it my way hasn't worked.''

Wiseman credits a drug rehabilitation program with helping him get back on his feet.

``I've mellowed out and changed a lot,'' he said.

Roanoke Area Ministries also has played a big part in helping Wiseman toward a new life.

Shelter manager Lottie Diomedi encouraged him to enroll in a GED preparation class, but to his surprise, when he took a placement test, he had such a high score that he went on to pass the GED itself.

With that behind him, he entered a job training program that will prepare him for a career in air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics. He also qualified for a grant that will allow him to study at Virginia Western Community College next semester.

This year, Roanoke Area Ministries is beginning a program to help its clients enter the mainstream of society through job training and placement opportunities, said director Wendy Moore. The efforts of Diomedi and other shelter workers give the organization an informal head start.

Wiseman thinks he is going to make it. The challenges facing him seem overwhelming, he said, ``but I'm going to give it everything I have.''

Monday's contributors included:

Lois Powers, in memory of loved ones

George C. Hunt, in memory of Lutie Belcher Hunt

Edna and Joe, in memory of Linda Naff

Warren and Pearl Woodford, in memory of Karen Woodford

The Whiteley Famiy

Carolyn Victorine, in memory of Lois B. Ayers

Judge and Mrs. Jack B. Coulter, in memory of Betty V. Adams

Martha Worrell, in memory of J.L. and Lena Worrell

Clare C. Morra, in memory of Marion K. Campbell

Lonnie and Andrea Daniels, in memory of Annette Uhlendorf

Nancy B. Kelly

Ed and Jane Kirkman

The Holtman Family, in memory of Harry M. Holtman

Chris and Andrew Conner, in memory of Mary Hess, Vernon and Ruby McCoy

Mrs. Andrew H. Thompson, in memory of loved ones

Agnes Roberson, in memory of Matt Roberson

Mary M. Martin, in memory of E.C. Martin

Dora Goad Brown, in memory of William Ezra Morris Jr.

Woodrow and Janet Obenchain and Shannon Salser, in memory of Kathleen St. Clair, Elva Viar, Bertha Brooks, Vernon Truman and Jane Salser

Bill and Elizabeth Martin

Jeff and Sandy Birch, in memory of Donald Birch and Harvey Eggert

Elaine Bocock, in memory of her husband, Clyde

James and Ollie Dowdy, in honor of Louise Gibson

John M. Kennedy

Neal B. and Grace A. Long, in memory of A.B. Harris Sr.

Josephine Via, in memory of the Rev. James Via

Herman and Mabel Naff, in memory of their parents, the Rev. and Mrs. D.C. Naff and Stafford and Mary Ramsey

Anna and Glen Mitchell, in memory of David Louis Mitchell

Gary and Mary Pat Metz

Donald and Karen Richardson and Family, in memory of Leonard Richardson

Murray and Arlene Stoller

Robert T. Hairston

Garland and Freda Metz

W.B. Shepard, in memory of Hazel M. Shepard

Barbara and Wilson Watts

Brenda and Dale Allen

Terry Steer, in memory of Bill Hill

John and Bernetta McGuire, in thanksgiving for their progeny and daughters-in-law

Grace H. Whaley, in memory of her husband, Benton M. Whaley

Carolyn Allen Burnett, in memory of Ernest and Hazel Allen

Skip, Diane, Joe, Mike and Dave, in memory of Charles E. Salmon

Charles and Loretta Manning and Bonnie Fauber, in honor of Irene and Fred Duncan

Robert and Pat Lewis, in memory of Virgil E. Lewis and James E. Thurman

Don J. Morris, in memory of Betty J. Morris

Guy and Mary Plymale, in honor of Addie Plymale

Dot and Lewis Creasy

John and Velma Fralin Dulaney, in memory of Ira and Ruth Fralin Bower, John and Nannie Fralin and John and Gertrude Dulaney

Iris and Pete Peterson, in memory of deceased family members and friends

Edna Follmar, in memory of Al Follmar

Gail and Robin Bushnell, in memory of William T. Bushnell

Mr. and Mrs. William Bottger, in memory of Dorothy Glass Gentry Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hall

Vera Smith, in honor of Rebecca and Derick Jones and B.C. and Elizabeth Stout; and in memory of Lonia Smith

Dominion Equipment Appraisal Co., in memory of Betty V. Adams

Mary Ellen Calhoun, in memory of Mrs. Clayne M. Calhoun

Lillie W. Hurd, in memory of A. Davis Hurd

Eda Wynn, in memory of her mother, Regina Withers

In memory of and in honor of the Holloway and McClelland families

Martha Collyer

Jean D. Chapman

Lester Blackwell

Ron and Betty Crawford

Jim and Maruma Warren

Andrew Murphy

Col. Leo A. LaCasse

Preston and Virginia Bell

W. Harry and Joyce Moore

Isabel Porterfield

Daniel and JoAnn Beckner

Marie and Richard Fulcher

Harley and Joyce Crawford

W. Kent Murray

Ruth M. Davis

Raymond and Johanna Vuicich


SUBTOTAL $ 5,610.00

TOTAL AS OF 12/2/96 $12,163.10

Checks made payable to the Good Neighbors Fund should be mailed to The Roanoke Times, P.O. Box 1951, Roanoke, VA 24008.

Names - but not donation amounts - of contributing businesses, individuals and organizations, as well as memorial and honorific designations, will be listed in the newspaper. Those requesting that their names not be used will remain anonymous. If no preference is stated, the donor's name will be listed.

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