Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, December 4, 1996            TAG: 9612040044
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 
                                             TYPE: NFL
SOURCE: From Associated Press reports


In desperate need of help for an injury-ravaged secondary, the Washington Redskins welcomed a familiar face Tuesday when they signed safety Keith Taylor.

Taylor spent the 1994 and 1995 seasons with the Redskins, but opted to sign with the Carolina Panthers for 1996. The Panthers released him during training camp after Taylor found he didn't fit in with Dom Capers' style of coaching.

``It was a situation I wasn't happy in,'' Taylor said. `` Not to say [it was] a boot camp, but everything was a stickler, right by the book, but that's his style. It just didn't suit me.''

Taylor said he has invested his money wisely from eight NFL seasons, so he was able to pick and choose which team's offer to take. When the Redskins contacted him during the Thanksgiving weekend, he was ready to come back.

``I didn't want to go to a situation where it was a losing team and just to go in there and play for the money, because I didn't need to do that,'' Taylor said. ``I've paid my dues.''

Taylor spent four years with Indianapolis and two with New Orleans before his first stint with the Redskins. He started the 1994 opener, but tore an Achilles' tendon and was out for the rest of the season. He had four starts and played in every game last year.

The Redskins need Taylor because strong safety Darryl Morrison is out for the year with a neck injury, and backup Darryl Pounds has a chronic back problem that kept him out of Thursday's 21-10 loss at Dallas.

Coach Norv Turner said Taylor could see spot duty in Sunday's game at Tampa Bay.

In other NFL news:

RAVENS: The NFL is investigating whether Jon Stark, a rookie quarterback for Baltimore, has associated with gamblers. League officials have no evidence that Stark bet, but he has been placed on administrative leave with pay after meeting with commissioner Paul Tagliabue on Nov.25.

Stark, who played at Trinity International after transferring from Florida State and Liberty University, was a seventh-round draft choice.

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