Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, December 7, 1996             TAG: 9612090044


Ellen Jamison of Salem made her first donation to the Good Neighbors Fund two years ago. It was in memory of her brother-in-law, Dave Lamanca, who died in a plane crash in September 1994, and in honor of his son, Jayson, who was born just months after his father's death.

"Dave liked helping people and the community, especially kids," she said. "He refereed at rec league basketball games and high school junior varsity games."

This year she gave to the fund again, this time to celebrate the new-found happiness of her sister, Kristi Lamanca, who was married to Greg Gearhart this November.

"As I remember Dave, I want to give as he would - to help those in need," Jamison said.

Friday's contributors included:

Ellen L. Jamison, in memory of Dave Lamanca and in honor of Kristi Lamanca Gearhart, Greg Gearhart, and Jayson David Lamanca

Jan and Mickey Dowling, in honor of Trudy Hendricks

Charles and Frances Stebbins, in honor of their present and former Education for Ministry students

Jan Dowling, in honor of the staff and board members of the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op

Dorothy P. Jones, in memory of Frank A. Bayse, Mabel R. Smith, and Gladys B. Pullin; and in honor of Harry and Nancy Johnson, Ellen and Mike Massey, Ann Claire and Joel Shepherd, and Marilyn and Cranston Williams

Virginia S. Farmer

V. Anne Edenfield, in memory of her father

Bruce, Kathy, Michael, Katie and Lauren Stockburger in honor of their teachers

Bill and Nina Reynolds, in memory of Dr. Mildred Passmore

Hesta L. Spessard, in honor of Toni Moore - a good friend

Jay Sheffey Circle, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Garland

Nadine Mullins, in memory of Billy Mullins

Emmett and Evelyn Wilburn

Sherman Kesler, in memory of Boyd and Edith Kesler

J.D. and Thelma Kanode, in memory of their parents

Dorothy Garst Murray, in honor of Laura Jane Deane

Virginia Keller

F.W. Hubell

Robert and Lindsay D. Helms

Charlie and Virginia Trimble, in memory of their parents

James and Frances Kincanon

First Monday Bridge Club, in memory of Betty, Maud, Dale and Martha

Lewis McNeace, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. McNeace and Margaret

Lehman S. Leedy

Lillian D. Hopkins, in memory of Judge and Mrs. A.H. Hopkins and Dr. and Mrs. W.B. Dewar

Kathleen G. Craun, in memory of her husband, Harold

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel B. Patterson

Margaret and Harold Oxley, in memory of their daughter, Betty Jo Dillon

C. David Young

Manis Shapiro

Ruth M. Richardson, in memory of loved ones

Margaret Cox, in memory of her husband, "Pete" Cox

Dottie and Mel Fuller, in honor of their neighbors, Gaynell and Al Jones; and Nancy and Bob Wheeler

Marian Cockrell

The Christian Women's Fellowship of Fort Lewis Christian Church, in memory of Aileen Criner and Bunn Richardson

Bettie Halsey

Jennalee Eudy



TOTAL AS OF 12/6/95$24,200.10

Checks should be made payable to Good Neighbors Fund and mailed to The Roanoke Times, P.0. Box 1951, Roanoke 24008.

Names - but not amounts of donations - of contributing businesses, individuals or organizations, as well as memorial and honorific designations, will be listed in the newspaper. Those requesting that their names not be used will remain anonymous. If no preference is stated, the donor's name will be listed.

Gifts cannot be earmarked for any particular individual or family. Gifts are tax-deductible.

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