Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, December 7, 1996             TAG: 9612090102


Montgomery County 4-H leaders received service awards at the Virginia Association of Adult 4-H Volunteer Leaders Fall Conference at Fredericksburg Nov. 2-3. Recognized for their years of service were: Liz Lindon, 20 years; Ken Martin, 25 years; and Doris Dyer, 30 years. Three leaders received 50 year service awards. Edythe Collins and Belle White of the Roanoke Road 4-H club and Leonard Howery of the Blacksburg Mountain 4-H club are charter leaders of their clubs, which still have actively participating members. The late Roy Collins, husband of Edythe Collins, had also been a 4-H leader for 50 years.

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Betsy Davis Beamer, secretary of the commonwealth and Radford University alumnus, will deliver the commencement address during Radford University's Winter Commencement Ceremony at 10 a.m. Dec. 14 in the Dedmon Center. Beamer, originally from Pearisburg, has been secretary of the commonwealth since 1994 and previously served as deputy director of transition prior to Gov. George Allen's inauguration.

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Circuit Judge Ray W. Grubbs was awarded the 1996 Public Policy Award by the Mental Health Association of Virginia at its annual awards luncheon held Nov. 16 in Richmond. The award is given to a public official who has made a significant contribution in improving the lives of people affected by mental illnesses through public policy development. Grubbs was responsible for enacting the current standing order in Montgomery County that all parents of minor children who divorce must attend the Children of Divorce Seminar, sponsored by the Mental Health Association of the New River Valley.

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The New River Valley Amateur Radio Club sponsored a raffle on Nov. 16 to provide for the upkeep and maintenance of the club's repeater communications center on Draper's Mountain, Pulaski. The winners are: $150 to Oral McDaniel, Radford; $75 to Roger Coulter, Radford; and $25 to Mr. and Mrs. K. Lunsford, Dublin. The club's meetings are held every fourth Monday at 7:30 p.m. in 148 Godby Hall, New River Community College, Dublin.

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At the annual meeting of the Virginia Municipal League, held in Roanoke on Oct. 20-22, Radford Mayor Thomas L. Starnes was elected chair of the City Section. Recently retired from the Radford arsenal, Starnes has spent 23 years on the Radford City Council, 17 as mayor. Starnes also serves on the New River Valley Planning District Commission and as chairman of the New River Resource Authority Board. He has been instrumental in developing a new museum and welcome center for the city of Radford.

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Robert Stuart of Blacksburg was recently elected to the State Governing Board of Common Cause of Virginia at the annual meeting in Richmond. Common Cause is a nonprofit, nonpartisan citizens' lobby group.

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At the Montgomery County 4-H Achievement Night held Nov. 7 the following winners were recognized: Smita Sarao, April Lester and Sukhmani Sarao, Achievement; Carrie Mason, Clay Rogers, Sukhmani Sarao and Smita Sarao, Citizenship; Amanda Sutherland and Kasey Kohl, Leadership; Amanda Cooper and Shane Cox, Outstanding Junior 4-H'ers; Amanda Huff, Outstanding Intermediate 4-H'er; Carrie Mason, Outstanding Senior 4-H'er; Lori McKinnon and Andrea Kirk, William H. Danforth "I Dare You" award; Tiffany Poole, Agent's Special Award; Amanda Sutherland, Agent's Special Award for Public Speaking; and Nathanael Crum, Alex Mandzak, and Shauna Poole, Outstanding Cloverbud Participation award. In addition to the youth who were recognized, several citizens and organizations which have supported and promoted 4-H and the county's volunteer leaders were honored.

LENGTH: Medium:   72 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  Joyce Martin, unit coordinator and 4-H Extension agent, 

with Leonard A Howery, Belle White and Edythe Collins, who accepted

awards for 50 years of service. color.

by CNB