Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, December 8, 1996               TAG: 9612100014


Jackson Ferry Bridge opens in Wythe County

FORT CHISWELL - After more than a year of detouring to reach communities on either side of New River in southeastern Wythe County, residents have their U.S. 52 bridge once more.

The $1.9 million six-span structure replaces the old Jackson Ferry Bridge. The old bridge was taken down as the new one was under construction.

The new bridge was formally opened Nov. 21. Orders Construction Co. of Saint Albans, W.Va., had been working on the project since October 1995.

The new bridge, like the old, will be named "Jackson Ferry Bridge" in recognition of the ferry-boat service that used to provide transportation across New River before there was a bridge more than 60 years ago.

Del. Tom Jackson, D-Hillsville, told more than 40 people attending the dedication ceremony that the original bridge put his family's ferrying service out of business. People came to depend on the bridge and missed it during construction of its replacement, he said.

"For the community, I know it's been a combination of patience and frustration," Jackson said. "It was a wake-up call. . Our friends across the river are not going to be so far away now."

"This bridge has meant a lot to us in the world of public safety," said Wythe County Sheriff Wayne Pike. "The new bridge is going to mean a lot to all of us."

Wytheville seeks names for wall

WYTHEVILLE - The town is seeking nominations for names to be added to Wytheville's Wall of Honor Civic Monument in Withers Park.

Forms are available in the assistant town manager's office in the municipal building.

Nominees may be living or dead, but must have lived in Wythe County and contributed to its quality of life, or brought honor or recognition to the county.

Completed forms must be turned in by Dec. 31. The Wall of Honor Committee will then choose citizens to be honored on the monument. The committee still has the names of nominees made within the past five years. Names submitted before that would have to be nominated again.

Further information is available by calling 223-3355.

Blacksburg calendars free for residents

BLACKSBURG - Calendars for 1997 featuring historical photos of Blacksburg are now available at several public buildings, including the Municipal Building, police department, parks and recreation department and fire and rescue stations in the town. Calendars also are available at Blacksburg Transit and the Blacksburg Public Works Department.

In addition to the photos, the new calendars have a directory of frequently used telephone numbers and a menu of information that can be found on the town's Internet site. The calendars are free to residents while they last.

LENGTH: Medium:   59 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  PAUL DELLINGER Staff. A car crosses the newly opened 

Jackson Ferry Bridge.

by CNB