Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, December 9, 1996               TAG: 9612100150
SECTION: NEWSFUN                  PAGE: 3    EDITION: METRO 


Sandy Gould


Oak Grove Elementary School

There are lots of things kindergartners need to learn, says Sandy Gould. One valuable tool she teaches her Roanoke County pupils is sign language.

"I've found sign language to be much more useful than French or Latin," said Gould, a former licensed interpreter for the deaf. "In the real world, there are many deaf people, and so many people don't know sign language and how to communicate with them."

Learning sign language comes easy to young children, Gould said. "Kindergartners have a great enthusiasm for learning. They're like little sponges, absorbing all the information you put out."

Gould said she decided to become a teacher in sixth grade when a career project allowed her to intern with kindergarten teacher Bobbie Lavender at Dudley Elementary School. "She was my inspiration," Gould said.

A graduate of Franklin County High School and Mary Baldwin College, Gould and her husband, Dennis, are the parents of two girls, 12 and 3. They enjoy outdoor activities.

LENGTH: Short :   31 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  headshot of Gould 

by CNB