Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, December 15, 1996              TAG: 9612160093
      Published correction ran on December 16, 1996.
         An anonymous New England family has donated $35 million to establish 
      the Institute for a Civil Society, a nonprofit think tank to support 
      ways and institutions for better life. A headline in Sunday's In the 
      Nation roundup gave an incorrect amount.


$35 million gift to promote civility

WASHINGTON - A wealthy New England family anonymously has donated $35 million to create a Massachusetts-based institute aimed at exploring and encouraging a civil society.

The gift and establishment of the Institute for a Civil Society, a private, nonprofit think tank based in Newton, will be announced Monday.

Pam Solo of Newton, president of the new institute, said it will finance research and award grants to community-based organizations in support of innovative solutions to problems that undermine the institutions making up the ``social'' part of society, such as families, cultural traditions and communities.

- The Boston Globe

Mega-airline merger called off

HOUSTON - A deal to merge two of the nation's largest airlines - Delta and Continental - appears to be off.

In a telephone message to employees, Continental Airlines Chief Executive Gordon Bethune says the carrier is no longer in merger discussions.

``We are not in any discussions, nor do we have any plans to have any discussions with anyone,'' Bethune said without mentioning Delta by name.

Continental spokesman Ned Walker, when pressed for details, told Saturday's Houston Chronicle, ``Gordon's message speaks for itself.''

- Associated Press

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