Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, December 18, 1996           TAG: 9612180072
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 8    EDITION: METRO 


Tea is expected to be among this year's hottest holiday party beverages. Tea is also a great alternative drink during the holidays for designated drivers.

If you love tea, or know someone who does, you'll find an abundance of the favored drink and related accessories in Bigelow's free Tempting Tea Gifts catalog. To order it, call toll-free (888) 244-3569.

Meanwhile, to get you through the holidays and the new year, here are some suggestions from Tetley for beverages your family and guests are sure to warm up to:

* MAPLE MADNESS: Place 5 tea bags, 2-3 Tbsp. maple syrup and 3/4 tsp. cinnamon in teapot. Pour in 4 cups boiling water. Cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove tea bags. Pour into teacups and top with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream and a dusting of cinnamon. Makes about five 6-oz. servings.

* TEA NECTAR: Bring 4 cups water and 3 cups apricot nectar to a boil. Pour over 6 tea bags. Cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove bags. Makes about nine 6-oz. servings.

* UNION JACK: Bring 4 cups apple juice, 1 cup water, 8 whole cloves, 4 whole allspice and 4 cinnamon sticks to a boil. Pour over 5 tea bags. Cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and spices. Makes about six 6-oz. servings.

* BOG JUICE: Bring 1 quart cranberry apple drink, 2 cups water, 4 cinnamon sticks and 8 whole cloves to a boil. Cover and simmer 5 minutes. Pour over 8 tea bags. Cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and spices. Makes about eight 6-oz. servings.

* JAM SLAM: Place 5 tea bags and 1/2 cup apricot preserves or your favorite jam in teapot. Pour in 4 cups boiling water. Cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove tea bags. Makes about six 6-oz. servings.

* PEACH POTION: Bring 3 cups peach nectar, 3 cups water and 1 tsp. whole cloves (about 20) to a boil. Cover and simmer 5 minutes. Pour over 6 tea bags. Cover and brew 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and, if desired, cloves. Stir in 1/4 cup brown sugar. Makes about six 6-oz. servings.

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by CNB