Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, December 21, 1996            TAG: 9612230150
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C6   EDITION: METRO 


Rick Hendrick, whose drivers won Winston Cup championships the past two years, pleaded innocent Friday to a 15-count federal indictment accusing him of building a $2.2 billion car-dealing empire by bribing American Honda executives.

Appearing before U.S. Magistrate Max Cogburn Jr., the Charlotte businessman entered innocent pleas to 13 counts of money laundering and one count each of mail fraud and conspiracy.

Cogburn released him on $1 million unsecured bond.

No trial date was set.

Hendrick driver Jeff Gordon won the Winston Cup stock-car championship in 1995 and was second this season to teammate Terry Labonte.

Hendrick's brother, John - who operates three Honda dealerships in North Carolina and South Carolina - also pleaded innocent Friday to a single conspiracy charge.

If convicted of all 15 counts, Rick Hendrick faces a maximum sentence of 210 years in prison and more than $5 million in fines. John Hendrick faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

The Hendrick brothers have acknowledged making payments to officials at American Honda Motor Co., but say they received nothing in return.

The 49-page indictment, returned earlier this month, alleges that Rick Hendrick bribed American Honda executives for favorable treatment in the allocation of cars and the awarding of dealerships.

LENGTH: Short :   40 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:   AP  NASCAR team owner Rick Hendrick (right) and his 

brother John leave U.S. District Court in Asheville, N.C., on Friday

after pleading innocent to a 15-count federal indictment. KEYWORDS: AUTO RACING

by CNB