Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, December 22, 1996              TAG: 9612240023
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9    EDITION: METRO 


100th Birthday

Lillie Alma Lancaster, born of John and Susan Moran on December 25, 1896 in Floyd, Va. She is the widow of Waller A. Lancaster. She has a son, Otis W. Lancaster and wife Lenora, and a daughter-in-law, Gwynn Lancaster, wife of deceased son Herbert M. Lancaster. She is Grandmother to 6, Great-Grandmother to 14, (one deceased), also Great-Great-Grandmother to 5. A celebration was given in her honor by her family on December 21, 1996 at The Oaks.

Emily Danielle Thompson

My Dear Little Miss Emily,

This week we celebrate your first birthday.

When I think of you and all the love and joy you have brought to our whole family, I can't find words to describe what's in my heart. I only hope that someday you will know just how much we love you and how thankful we are that God sent your Daddy and Mommie such a precious gift on December 20, 1995. Happy Birthday Sweet Emily. We love you so much! Papa, Nannie, David, P.J., Tom, Aunt Cathy & Aunt Beth

Foster birthday

Sara Kathryn Foster celebrated her first birthday on November 17, 1996.

In the tiny petal of a tiny flower that grew from a tiny pod is the miracle and the mystery of all creation and God. We love you, Sara Daddy, Mommy and big brother Sammy

LENGTH: Short :   40 lines

by CNB