Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, December 26, 1996            TAG: 9612270016


Scholarship available for Virginia students

Center in the Square is seeking applicants for its John W. Hancock Jr. Scholarship Award. This $2,000 scholarship is open to students who will be enrolled in a two- or four-year college or university in Virginia with a major in art, history, science, theater, museum studies or creative writing in the 1997-98 school year.

Applications may be obtained by calling Center in the Square, 342-5700. Application deadline is Feb. 28.

Museum seeks exhibit items

Carriages, sleighs and buggies are needed for the Virginia Museum of Transportation's "Harness, Hoofbeats, and Silver Bells" exhibition. The exhibit will be displayed from Jan. 11 through Feb. 28.

The museum would like to borrow restored, nonfarm, horse-drawn vehicles as well as publications, artifacts or equipment relating to American carriage manufacture, craftsmanship and travel from 1850 to the 1930s.

For more information about this exhibit, call Eric Alexie at 342-5670.

YMCA classes begin Jan. 13

Swim lessons for all ages begin on Jan. 13 at the Central Branch YMCA. The classes meet twice a week for five weeks. Other classes beginning soon are: gymnastics and dance, Jan. 13; karate, Dec. 30; and judo, Jan. 6.

Classes are open to non-members and cost from $18 to $40. Financial assistance scholarships are available. For class schedules and registration information, call 342-9622.

Hotline helps with college aid

The Virginia Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, in cooperation with Crestar Bank, is sponsoring a free Financial Aid Hotline for those needing information about financial help for postsecondary education.

"Access the Answers" will be manned by volunteers on Jan. 14-16 and 21-23 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The toll-free number is (800) 552-3006.

Questions may also be asked by e-mail at: (select "Virginia" option).

Pest control classes offered

The Roanoke office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service will present a six-part Integrated Pest Management School on consecutive Thursdays beginning Jan. 30.

Classes will be held at the Brambleton Center, 3738 Brambleton Ave. S.W. Topics include water quality, basic botany, lawn establishment and maintenance and insect identification.

Preregistration and payment of a $5 fee for the entire series is required before classes start. For more information, call 857-7915.

MDA Car Show set for February

The Roanoke Valley Charity Car Show Committee is accepting entries for its 17th annual MDA Car Show to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association Feb. 21-23 at the Roanoke Civic Center.

All types of vehicles may be entered, and there is no fee. Commercial booth space is also available.

For applications and information, call 772-3237.

AARP sponsors mature driving classes

In cooperation with Central Fidelity Bank, the American Association of Retired Persons is sponsoring "55 Alive Mature Driving Classes" in January.

Classes will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Jan. 14 and 15 at The Park-Oak Grove Retirement Community on Woodmar Drive S.W., and on Jan. 21 and 22 at Friendship Manor Retirement Community on Hershberger Road N.W.

For information, call Linda Jamerson at 983-8009.

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