Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, January 3, 1997                TAG: 9701030103


Girl in coma since Nov. traffic duel

CHARLOTTESVILLE - The 3-year-old girl who was injured in a traffic dispute between her father and another driver is still in a coma.

Brenna Finck of Fredericksburg was transferred Dec. 9 from Fairfax Hospital to the Kluge Children's Rehabilitation Center in Charlottesville. She suffered spinal injuries Nov. 20 in a three-vehicle crash that resulted from a high-speed duel between her father and another man. The men were cutting each other off and making hand gestures at each other on Interstate 95 near Quantico, police said.

Brenna's father, Robert E. Finck, declined to comment pending his Feb. 7 court date, except to say he is grateful Brenna is alive.

Finck and Fred Lee Hamilton Jr. of Locust Grove were charged with reckless driving. Finck also was charged with failing to secure Brenna in a safety seat.

- Associated Press

He wanted to turn heat down, but...

STAFFORD - Two men have been charged with beating their roommate after an argument Wednesday over the temperature in their apartment.

The victim wanted to turn the heat down, and his roommate didn't want him to, said Capt. Charles Jett of the Stafford County Sheriff's Office.

The victim told authorities that his roommate started to beat him and was joined by his son, who used a stick.

The victim had a cut on his head that needed stitches, possible broken wrists and several bumps and bruises, Jett said. Police withheld his name to protect his privacy.

Walter B. Snyder, 61, and his 27-year-old son, Daniel B. Snyder, were charged with felonious assault.

- Associated Press

Dad's house burns; visiting son dies

SPRINGFIELD - A 5-year-old boy was killed in a house fire while he was visiting his father for the holidays.

Justin Deppeller's father, Donald K. Deppeller, 37, was listed in critical condition Wednesday at Washington Hospital Center with second- and third-degree burns. No one else was in the house at the time of the fire, officials said.

When firefighters arrived about 2 a.m. Wednesday, flames were visible at the front and rear of the town house, said Fairfax County Fire Lt. Chief Larry Johnson.

The fire, which raced through the first and second floors, was under control in 10 minutes and didn't spread to neighboring units, he said.

An investigation is continuing to determine the cause of the fire.

Justin's parents lived together at the town house until a year ago, when they separated. Justin's mother, Ginger Lee Deppeller, 25, moved with Justin to her native Houston.

Justin had arrived in Springfield Dec. 23 and was scheduled to return Jan. 5 to Houston, said his grandmother, Mary Jo Shaygan.

- Associated Press

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