Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, January 6, 1997                TAG: 9701060132
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-3  EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press


Promoters of the Hampton Roads Rhinos, the proposed National Hockey League expansion team, are putting the finishing touches on the presentation they'll make to NHL owners next week in New York.

Meanwhile George Shinn, the Charlotte, N.C., businessman who has applied for the franchise, still is trying to come up with an arena deal.

``Everything is coming down to the last week,'' said Tom Ward, vice president of marketing for the NBA's Charlotte Hornets, also owned by Shinn. ``It's the make-or-break week for us.''

Hampton Roads negotiators and Shinn are working out a lease and a plan for financing a 20,000-seat arena for the Rhinos. ``That's the missing piece of the puzzle that we have to resolve,'' Ward said.

``We've been trying a whole range of different ideas, nothing yet that both sides say will do it for both of them,'' said Bob O'Neill, Hampton's city manager and one of the negotiators.

Shinn has said he would be willing to pay $500,000 to $1 million a year in rent, but local officials were believed to want something in the $2 million range.

The Hampton Roads entry had hoped to take 10,000 season ticket pledges to New York. Shinn has said he believes a similar show of support for pro basketball in Charlotte helped him get the Hornets.

But Shinn a month ago estimated that fewer than 5,000 ticket applications had been received. Season-ticket deposits sell for $100 each, while luxury-box deposits sell for $10,000.

Rhinos supporters have used everything from rallies to public appearances by Shinn to a ``Go Rhinos'' message on the side of the Dominion Tower in Norfolk to promote their cause.

In New York, the league will hear from applicants from nine areas Jan.13 and 14. They are: Hampton Roads; Raleigh-Durham, N.C.; Atlanta; Nashville, Tenn.; Columbus, Ohio; St.Paul, Minn.; Hamilton, Ontario; Oklahoma City; and Houston, where three groups have applied.

The league is expected to award two to four expansion franchises in March.

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