Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, January 8, 1997             TAG: 9701080064
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-1  EDITION: METRO 


Maybe it wasn't the shot they wanted, but there were no complaints heard once the final buzzer sounded. Leading Blacksburg 48-47 with 2:09 remaining, the fans at Northside High School held their collective breath Tuesday night as junior guard Xavier Lee launched a 3-pointer from the top of the key.

The quick silence turned into a thunderous cheer as the shot swished through the net, and the Vikings went on to a 55-52 Blue Ridge District victory over the Indians.

``That was a huge shot,'' said Billy Pope, Northside's coach. ``We were not really looking for a 3, but he was wide open and he obviously felt good about it. They set a good screen for him, then had the option of going in or taking that shot. He got squared up and dropped it in.''

Although the Vikings (2-7) led for most of the contest, they couldn't find a way to put the game out of reach. After Northside built a seven-point halftime advantage, 27-20, Blacksburg (5-5) came out firing in the second half. The Indians hit three consecutive jumpers and a free throw to tie the score at 27 with 5:22 left in the third.

But just when Blacksburg seemed to have the momentum, Northside forward Greg Perdue banked in a short jumper and Lee dribbled coast to coast for an easy layup.

``You can play [Lee] smart or you can play him the other way,'' said Bob Trear, the Indians' coach. ``We jumped out at him and he pulled it around for the layup over and over again. How many times can he do that before you get ready mentally to play him?''

With the Vikings leading 31-30 and 3:18 remaining in the third quarter, the teams hit a dry spell offensively. Make that a foul spell. Blacksburg and Northside combined for only six field goals in a span of 9:14 that carried them into the fourth quarter, but made 13 trips to the free-throw line.

Once at the line, things didn't get much better. The Indians went 10-for-15 and the Vikings 7-for-12 through that stretch, knotting the score at 45 with 3:21 to play.

The Indians took their first lead of the half, 47-45, on a short baseline jumper from center Philip Klaus. But that basket would be the last for Blacksburg until the game's final seconds.

Klaus led the Indians with 17 points, with eight of those coming in the first quarter. Stefano Karmis was the only other Blacksburg player in double figures, scoring 10.

``We didn't have a special game plan for [Klaus] coming into the game, we just wanted to do the basics,'' Pope said. ``We wanted to stay in good position and not let him explode on us but he's just such a big player out there.

``But I thought Greg Perdue did an outstanding job on him in the post, and that's such a tough assignment.''

Lee paced Northside with a game-high 23 points, including four 3-pointers. Daryl Holmes added 11.

``We may be just 2-7,'' Pope said with a smile, ``but it's been a good start to 1997 so far.''

NOTE: Please see microfilm for scores.

LENGTH: Medium:   62 lines

by CNB