Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, January 9, 1997              TAG: 9701100037


Although none of his customers at Williams Supply Inc. in Roanoke has complained about halogen-lamp safety, sales representative Paul Walters said he cautions everyone who buys a lamp to keep it away from draperies, walls and other flammables.

And Wendell Presley, who sells halogen lights at Lowe's in Roanoke, said he always warns customers against touching the bulbs - even cool ones - with bare hands. Any skin oil left on a bulb can heat up quickly and cause the bulb to explode, he said.

Here are other safety tips for people who own halogen torchiere lamps with tubular bulbs:

*Place the lamps where they cannot be tipped over by children, pets or a strong draft from an open window. Avoid placing them near open windows where drapes can be blown onto the bulb.

*Never use them in children's bedrooms or playrooms, where stuffed toys may be left too close.

*Never use a bulb of a different type or of a higher wattage than indicated by the manufacturer's instructions. Although some lamps may come with 500-watt bulbs, bulbs higher than 300 watts should not be used.

*Never try to replace or discard a bulb that is hot to the touch.

*Avoid leaving lamps of 100 watts or more on when you leave the room or are not at home.

*Never drape clothing over the lamp.

*If the lamp has a dimmer switch, operate it at a setting lower than the maximum whenever possible.

Sources: The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission provides a hot line to report a dangerous product or a product-related injury at (800)638-2772. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. can be reached at (847)272-8800.

- From Associated Press, staff and wire reports

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