Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, January 12, 1997               TAG: 9701130128
SOURCE: Associated Press


THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT has created a 150-page handbook for police, prosecutors and judges.

Taking on another piece of the nation's crime problem, the Clinton administration gave police a ``how-to'' manual Saturday on fighting witness intimidation by gang members and drug dealers.

``We must not allow the voice of justice to be frightened into silence by the violent threat of gangs,'' President Clinton said in heralding the Justice Department's 150-page handbook for police officers, prosecutors and judges.

Clinton, addressing the nation in his weekly radio broadcast, also promised to send Congress broad legislation combating youth crime and drug abuse. He said it would be the top law-and-order priority of his second term.

``I want every police officer, prosecutor and citizen in America working together to keep our young people safe and young criminals off the streets,'' Clinton said.

The Justice Department blueprint for investigating and prosecuting gangs aims to curb the problem of witness intimidation, which, according to a 1994 department survey of 192 prosecutors, was a major problem for half the country's big-city prosecutors.

Researchers compiling the handbook found only two comprehensive witness-intimidation prevention programs - in Washington and Baltimore.

``Too many people in too many communities will not testify about gang crimes because they are afraid of violent reprisal,'' Clinton said in his radio address.

For their part, Republicans also promised Saturday new initiatives to crack down on juvenile offenders and clean up schools. ``We want every child to have a chance for a good education and a school free from violence and drugs,'' Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said.

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