Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, January 18, 1997             TAG: 9701200014


Leaving to make new music

Wednesday was 11th-grader Jeremiah Shaw's last day at Blacksburg High School. Friday, he and his dad, Audubon Quartet cellist Tom Shaw, flew to Michigan where Miah will enter Interlochen Arts Academy. Tom Shaw said that his son is "exceedingly happy. He has been involved with the cello since his early childhood, and he is thrilled to be going to an arts-oriented school as prestigious as Interlochen."

During December, 16-year-old Miah (his nickname) was accepted into three arts academies, including the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem, N.C., and the Idyllwild Arts Academy in Idyllwild, Calif.

Miah has served for the last two years as principal cellist of the Roanoke Youth Symphony under the direction of James Glazebrook. During that time he also traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, once every two weeks, to study with Richard Aaron of the Cleveland Institute of Music.

At the Interlochen Academy, in addition to the full regimen of academic courses, his schedule will include daily orchestra and chamber music rehearsals, and he will be performing in a concert every two weeks.

Miah, who wants a career as a cello soloist or chamber player, will study at the academy with cellist Crispin Campbell.

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Jane P. Janey has been elected president of the Mount Tabor Ruritan Club for 1997. Other elected officers are Ben Crawford, vice president; Thomas N. Meachum, secretary; and David W. Price, treasurer. Directors are Mark Dallman, Rador W. Vaden and Dean Allen.

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Members and officers of the Advisory Board of the Child Abuse Prevention Coalition of Montgomery County/Radford are: Karen Hughes, chair; Tammy Heft, vice chair; Marcia Jolley Kirk, treasurer; and Kim Ritchie, secretary. Other members of the board include Mark Christian, Kathy Decker, Debby Hix, Cathy Jacobs and Latisha Lane.

LENGTH: Short :   43 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Shaw. color.

by CNB