Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, January 19, 1997               TAG: 9701210050
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 7    EDITION: METRO 


Esther and Zannie Reed

50th Wedding Anniversary

January 18th, 1997

Celebrating on

January 26th, 1997

Green Hill Church

James anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Haywood James of Danville, VA were given a surprise dinner celebration in honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, November 30th, 1996. The celebration was held at the Sunnybrook Inn in Roanoke, Va. and was given by their children. They were also honored with an overnight stay in one of Hotel Roanoke's honeymoon suites and a limousine ride to and from the hotel and the Inn. The couple took family photos and received many wonderful gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. James have six children: Cathy (Jay) Warner, Mary Riles, and Haywood (Lydia) James of Roanoke; Donald and Louie James of Danville; and Anthony (Erewa) James of Pittsburg, Pa. They all attended the affair along with several grand-children and their guests and other family members.

The couple were married on December 21, 1946 at the age of sixteen. This was truly a blessed occasion which they will cherish. Mr. William Sparrow of Roanoke was the photographer and Mr. James Williams of Danville was the choreographer.

Johnson anniversary

Evelyn and Randolph Johnson celebrated their 50th Wedding anniversary on January 18, 1997. Sharing their joy are son, Sidney and daughter-in-law Pat, and daughter-in-law Donna. They have four grandchildren. Paul and his wife Lisa, currently stationed in Guam, are expecting the first great-grandchild in April. Jason, Randy and Amanda all reside in Roanoke. Their son Donald passed away in 1985.

Mrs. Johnson is retired from Tultex, Inc. Mr. Johnson is a retired employee of the Kroger Company. They are members of the Ninth Street Church of the Brethren. Mrs. Johnson is the former Evelyn Crouch of Huddleston, VA. Mr. Johnson is a World War II veteran and was born and raised in the White House Community of Bedford Co., VA.

Because of Mr. Johnson's recent illness, the couple's anniversary was celebrated quietly.

Lankford anniversary

Karl and Betty Lankford celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on December 28, 1996. A family celebration was hosted by their son and daughter, Karl E. Lankford and Ellen L. Brown.

Karl and Betty's marriage was performed on December 28, 1946 at Northminster Presbyterian Church, Roanoke, VA. In addition to their children, they have been blessed with 5 grandchildren, Nikki and Sean Lankford and Amanda, Stephany, and Garrett Brown.

Karl and Betty are members of First Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA.

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