Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, January 30, 1997             TAG: 9701300012


OR YOU CAN MAKE cash purchases on line with First Union's new service, CyberCoin.

If you are hunting for an apartment in the Roanoke-Salem area and have access to the Internet, your job has just been made easier. Network Publications Inc. of Atlanta, which publishes the "Apartment Blue Book" on a quarterly basis, reports its contents are now available on the Worldwide Web.

In addition to local listings, the Internet site has over 1,200 apartment properties listed in over 280 cities around the United States. The electronic version allows renters to begin an apartment search by picking a city or state and then narrowing down by choosing specific features, such as a number of bedrooms and a rent range. The site provides a color map for each city listed and a color picture of each apartment property listed in the directory.

A search for Roanoke turned up 19 separate listings for apartment complexes, including such well recognized ones as Windy Hill Key, where the listing shows a 1 bedroom apartment currently renting for $425 to $475.

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Also of local interest is First Union Corp.'s new payment service, which lets users make secure, instant cash purchases over the Internet for items priced as low as 25 cents to $10. The bank has launched the service as a pilot program and is making it available to consumers and merchants. Use of the service, called CyberCoin, is not restricted to First Union customers.

The service can be reached through the Community Commerce page on First Union's Web site. Money can be transferred to CyberCoin's "wallet" from a checking account or a credit card. Use of the service requires a customer access number, a 4-digit personal identification number, and a code word. Password protected software needed to use the service can be downloaded from a secure Web browser for free. Before signing up for the service, it's recommended that you read First Union's disclosure statement on cyberbanking.

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Thinking about taking in a show? Ticketmaster is now selling tickets over the Internet for events at arenas such as the Roanoke Civic Center, Salem Civic Center, and Richmond Coliseum. Roanoke Express fans can buy their hockey game tickets over the Internet. It's also possible to buy tickets for major Broadway shows or those in other parts of the country using the service. The on-line ticketing system automatically identifies the best tickets available at the time of purchase.

Ticketmaster is celebrating the launch of the service in Southwest Virginia with a special sweepstakes. Those who check out Ticketmaster Online can register to win prize packages, including tickets to concerts, fine arts performances, sporting events and family shows.

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Keeping an eye on the Big Boys? You might want to look in on the new Worldwide Web site of Common Cause, the self-described citizens' lobby.

The site includes campaign finance information and voting records for every member of Congress; reports on special-interest giving by political action committees; and an interactive page that allows citizens to send e-mail to members of Congress on reform issues. The site also contains government-related Internet links.

A quick check of the site showed tobacco companies donated nearly $2 million to political party committees during the first six months of 1996, a half-year industry record. Philip Morris Cos. led with donations of $802,384. The industry also was generous with individual members of Congress. Jumping to the House of Representatives searchable directory, we find that from 1985 until Oct.16, Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Abingdon, received $75,350 in tobacco industry donations and, in his two terms in Congress through Oct.16, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Roanoke, received $9,750 from tobacco interests.

Apartment Blue Book


Ticketmaster Online

Common Cause

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by CNB