Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, February 10, 1997              TAG: 9702100141


Army to restudy suspension policy

WASHINGTON - Army Secretary Togo West said Sunday the policy that left the Army's senior noncommissioned officer on the job despite allegations of sexual misconduct undoubtedly will be reconsidered.

West said it was Army policy that relieved drill instructors of duty at a base in Maryland after they were accused of sexual harassment - but left Sergeant Major of the Army Gene McKinney, who now is under similar fire, on the job.

It is ``a policy we do not have with respect to other commanders or leaders of the armed forces,'' West said on ABC's ``This Week.''

The woman who accused him, an Army sergeant major who worked with McKinney, described the policy as ``a different system of justice.''

McKinney, the Army's top enlisted soldier, has denied sexual assault allegations by retired Sgt. Maj. Brenda Hoster, who said his actions forced her to leave the service after 22 years.

Asked whether high-ranking soldiers such as McKinney also should be suspended, West said: ``We've considered it, and we will undoubtedly consider it again.''

- Associated Press

Kemp says he may seek presidency

WASHINGTON - Jack Kemp indicated Sunday that he is making preparations for a possible run for the White House in 2000. ``I'll tell you this, my appetite is whetted,'' last year's Republican vice presidential candidate said.

Kemp, appearing on NBC's ``Meet the Press,'' said a concrete decision on a presidential candidacy would not come until after congressional elections in 1998.

But the former congressman and government secretary said he wants to help shape America's vision for the future. ``I'm looking forward to being a big part of that debate,'' he said.

- Associated Press

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