Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, February 18, 1997             TAG: 9702180078
COLUMN: Class Notes


Can you spell relief? How about reviviscent?

That's how students will feel once they finish competing in the Montgomery County spelling bee on Thursday. Thursday's winner will move on to the regional spelling bee competition in Roanoke on March 29. The winner of the regional competition will receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C., to compete in the national spelling bee.

The four students who will compete are:

*Auburn Middle School - Christi Wilhelm, seventh-grade. Alternate: Steve Bailey, eighth-grade.

*Blacksburg Middle School - Chris Clemmons, eighth-grade. Alternate: Ariel Schneller, seventh-grade.

*Christiansburg Middle School - Megan Lawrence, sixth-grade. Alternate: Emily Rosenfeld, sixth-grade.

*Shawsville Middle School - Elaine Smith, eighth-grade. Alternate: Rebekah Kingery, sixth-grade.

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Members of the Blacksburg High School forensic teams returned from the Blue Ridge District competition held Saturday with several winners. The Virginia High School League limits two students from a school to compete in each type of competition. Members of the Blacksburg team, which as more than 50 members, have an intrateam competition to select who attends each VHSL competition. The following students attended the Blue Ridge competition: Lucas Kline, Nisha Nagarkatti, Yoni Schneller, Phoebe Connelly, Carrie Mason, Laura Lentz, Rochelle Gandour, Ashley Cohen, Miriam Walls, Kara Mills, Beth Rodriguez, Amee Ranck, Corie Brown, Alicia Ranck, Jessica Smith, Joel Conn, Sarah Emery, Adam Breske, Feras Khan.

The forensic and debate teams didn't let the weather stop them from traveling to Longwood College for a statewide tournament on Feb. 8. Despite the snow and possible cancellation of the competition, 38 members of the speech team and three members of the Lincoln Douglas debate team made the trip. (The Lincoln Douglas team is one-on-one debate that typically deals with societal values.)

The trip was worth it for the students. The team won the trophy for having the best team in the statewide competition. The following students won awards at the Longwood competition:

*Catherine Bernard finished as a quarterfinalist in the Lincoln Douglas Debate competition and received a trophy.

*The following students won at the tournament: Lentz, Khan, Cohen, Mills, Connelly, Schneller, Kline, Alica Ranck, Amee Ranck, Brown, Elizabeth Hawkins, Loni Greenberg, Selvi Sriranganathan, John Krallman, Sarah Emery, Meagan Klagge and Shannon Marx.

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It's not too early to get ready for the prom. High school students who are already looking ahead can attend Prom Fair '97 at Floyd County High School on March 2. There will be a fashion show featuring formal wear for spring 1997 from Lazarus and Pageant Palace. In addition, a selection of the latest "next-to-new" fashions for the bargain shopper will be available. Displays will be set up by various prom-service businesses including tuxedo rentals, florists, beauticians and fine dining.

The event starts at 2 p.m. It is sponsored by the high school's clothing specialist class. For more information, call 745-9450 ext. 464.


Montgomery County Public Schools will offer free instructional technology hands-on workshops for teachers, administrators and members of the community. Registration is required for classes. Interested individuals should call 382-5131 to be placed on the class attendee list. Members of the community can participate, however, employees of the county schools have first preference if the class fills to capacity. Following is a list classes:

*The Basics of ClarisWorks Word Processing at Blacksburg Middle School in the new Pentium lab. Tuesday, 3-5 p.m. with Kat Emory as the instructor. Thursday, 4-6 p.m. with Guylene Wood as the instructor.

*Beginner's look at the World Wide Web at Christiansburg Middle School in the new Pentium lab. Tuesday, 4-6 p.m. Instructor: Cindy Porterfield.

*The World Wide Web: An intermediate level course at Auburn Middle School in the new Pentium lab. Thursday, 4-6 p.m. Instructor: Mary Ellen Sword.

*Hyperstudio for Teachers: A hands-on course for beginners at Blacksburg High School in the Macintosh lab. 4-6 p.m. Instructor: Mike Kaylor.

*Beginner's look at WordPerfect 6.1 Christiansburg High School in the business lab. Feb. 24, 3-5 p.m. Instructor: Rhonda Reynolds.

*Beginner's look at the Macintosh computer: Use it like a pro at Blacksburg High School in the Macintosh lab. Feb. 24, 4-6 p.m. Instructor: Mike Kaylor.

*The World Wide Web: An intermediate level course at Christiansburg High School in the new Pentium lab. Feb. 24, 4-6 p.m. Instructor: Larry Arrington.

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by CNB