Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, February 19, 1997           TAG: 9702190095


5 to interview for Explore Park job

Five candidates will be interviewed early next month for the executive director position at Explore Park, the park's governing board learned Tuesday.

About 65 applications were received for the job, which is being vacated at month's end by Rupert Cutler. He resigned to start a land trust.

The position will pay about $60,000, but the exact amount has not been set. A hiring decision is expected in mid-March.

Explore Park, a living history museum in Roanoke County, is set to open on April 4. Interim director George Nester is overseeing daily affairs.

- Staff report

CWA and UFCW discuss merger

LOS ANGELES - The United Food and Commercial Workers and the Communications Workers of America have begun talking about a merger.

Morton Bahr, president of the CWA, and two UFCW officials confirmed Tuesday that each union had formed a merger committee and that the committees met for the first time on Monday.

``The discussions center around the potential of forming a new union that's based around community organizing,'' Bahr said.

On the surface, the two unions have few similarities. CWA, which has about a half-million members, represents primarily telephone and communications workers; the UFCW represents grocery store workers and retail clerks.

- Associated Press

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