Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, February 21, 1997              TAG: 9702210039
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 


Scouts from at least six NBA clubs will be among those in attendance Saturday at the ``Hill City Shootout,'' a five-game high school basketball event at the Vines Center in Lynchburg.

Virginia Amateur Sports of Roanoke and the Central Virginia YMCA of Lynchburg have organized the event, which includes some of the nation's top high school teams and players.

ESPN and ABC Sports telecast analyst Dick Vitale calls the Shootout ``the best one-day event in high school basketball this year.''

Among the 10 teams competing are St. John's at Prospect Hall, ranked fourth in this week's USA Today national prep poll; No.8 Mount Zion Christian of Durham, N.C.; and Greensboro (N.C.) Dudley, ranked 14th. The latter two meet in the Shootout's nightcap.

The top players in the event include Lamar Odom of Redemption Christian of Troy, N.Y., Jason Capel of St. John's, Tracy McGrady of Mount Zion and William Avery of Oak Hill Academy.

Stu Israel of VAS said about 2,000 tickets have been sold. Seats remain on sale at several Lynchburg locations, including the Vines Center, at the VAS offices in the Shenandoah Building on First Street in downtown Roanoke, and at CMT Sporting Goods outlets in Roanoke and Blacksburg.

Tickets are $15 for reserved, $10 for adult general admission and $5 for students (with school identification card, and at the gate only). More information is available from VAS by calling 343-0987.

Saturday's game schedule:

Noon - Atlantic Shores Christian (Chesapeake) vs. Redemption Christian (Troy, N.Y.).

2 p.m. - St. John's at Prospect Hall (Frederick, Md.) vs. Greensboro (N.C.) Day School.

4 p.m. - Riverdale Baptist (Upper Marlboro, Md.) vs. Washington College (Tenn.) Academy.

6 p.m. - Oak Hill Academy (Mouth of Wilson, Va.) vs. St. Frances Academy (Baltimore).

8 p.m. - Mount Zion Christian (Durham, N.C.) vs. Greensboro (N.C.) Dudley.

NOTE: Please see microfilm for scores.

LENGTH: Short :   46 lines

by CNB