Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, March 16, 1997                 TAG: 9703180100
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C6   EDITION: METRO 


The Roanoke Express feels sort of like a college kid wondering whether to call mom and dad and ask for money.

The rent is due, textbooks need to be purchased and the old jalopy dad fixed up has just blown a radiator hose.

``I know you've done so much for me already,'' the student says. ``But right now, I need help more than ever.''

That's similar to what the Express is saying to its affiliates: ``You've really been great to us, but right now we could really use some help.''

The Express is hoping to hear soon whether or not it can expect the Saint John Flames to send some players to Roanoke for the playoffs. Saint John, Roanoke's American Hockey League affiliate by way of the NHL's Calgary Flames, recalled Jeff Cowan and Eric Landry in February and has not been able to send any players to replace them.

When the Express signed on with Calgary this past summer, it was hoped the Flames could stock Roanoke with players come playoff time. Saint John, however, has suffered a rash of injuries and isn't in a position to give away players.

``I don't know if they're healthy enough'' to help Roanoke, said Express general manager Pierre Paiement. ``After all, those guys are [Saint John's] players. If they had two or three guys sitting out, we could ask them to help us in the playoffs. The problem is, if Jeff Cowan is playing better than an older player who has a big contract, the older player may refuse to come to Roanoke.

``It's all business for everybody. Saint John is not going to hurt themselves just because we want Jeff Cowan. I assume if they're healthy, come playoff time they'd send us Eric Landry. You just never know.''

While the Express would like to have some help at this stage of the season, it has become clear that its affiliations with Calgary and the International Hockey League's Manitoba Moose have been productive.

The Express received five players directly from those affiliations - Cowan, Jeff Loder, Bobby Brown, Wayne Strachan and Jason Smith, although only Loder remains on Roanoke's roster.

SMITH RETIREMENT: In recent days, it had become apparent that defenseman Jason Smith was not going to return to action for the Express. Smith announced his retirement Thursday, more than three weeks after suffering what was believed to be a slight concussion during a game against Charlotte.

It was at least the third head injury Smith suffered in the past year, following two other concussions he sustained while playing collegiately at Princeton and professionally for the American Hockey League's Saint John Flames.

After a Roanoke-area doctor recommended Smith give up playing hockey, Smith consulted with his parents and decided to heed that advice.

``You have to respect his decision,'' Paiement said. ``He had a tough time deciding what he wanted to do, but after everything he's been through, you can't really blame him.''

LOCAL HEROES: Two teams from the Roanoke Valley Youth Hockey Association won regional championships this month and will send some players to all-star games in Detroit. The Bantam travel team (ages 13-15) and the Midget team (16-18) won Mid-Atlantic titles during the regional tournament in Hillsborough, N.C.

AROUND THE ECHL: The Louisiana IceGators broke the league attendance record they established last season and are on pace to draw 400,000 fans. With four home games left, the IceGators have attracted 352,985 fans (an average of 11,386 per game), surpassing last season's record of 342,154. ... Veteran Charlotte goalie Nick Vitucci celebrated a 6-5 shootout victory over the Columbus Chill on March 8 by proposing to his girlfriend Dawn Koste. He was not stopped on the doorstep. ...Hampton Roads, South Carolina and Richmond have clinched playoff spots in the East Division. A victory by Roanoke in Raleigh today would clinch a playoff berth for the Express. ... The Raleigh IceCaps went back to the 1970s for Saturday night's game against the Express. The IceCaps wore tie-dyed jerseys for their three weekend home games and are holding a disco dance competition during today's game.

LENGTH: Medium:   76 lines

by CNB