Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, March 26, 1997              TAG: 9703260007
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 3    EDITION: METRO 


The Roanoke Symphony Volunteer Association and the Roanoke Youth Symphony Education Program's annual Young Artist Awards Competition named four winners recently.

Ashley Hall, a trumpeter, won first place. She performed the Trumpet Concerto by Alexander Artunian. She is a sophomore at George Wythe High School and is the daughter of Judith and Mike Hall.

Her previous awards include winner of the National Trumpet Competition in 1994 and second chair in All-State Band. Other notable achievements include appearing as a guest soloist with the Capital Winds. Allen Bachelder is her trumpet instructor.

Franklin Shaw, violinist, won second place. He is a sophomore at Blacksburg High School. His parents are Clyde and Theres Shaw. David Salness is his violin instructor.

Marina Zelikovich won third place. She is a ninth-grader at Patrick Henry High School. David Salness is her violin instructor.

Timothy Nelson, pianist, won honorable mention. He played an original composition and the Rachmaninoff Prelude in C-Sharp Minor. Yelena Balabanova is his instructor.

The competition is open to all Roanoke Youth Symphony members. This year, 15 students competed. The youth symphony includes musicians through their senior year in high school.

The competition and awards are sponsored by an endowment gift from Eldon C. Grover.

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by CNB