Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, March 28, 1997                 TAG: 9703280067
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 


Long-time boys' assistant Chuck Pound is picked to succeed David Wheat for the Group AA champions.

Chuck Pound, an assistant boys' basketball coach at Lord Botetourt High School, on Thursday was named the school's new girls' basketball coach.

Pound, 36, has assisted boys' varsity coach Ed Purdy since 1995 and has been the Cavaliers' baseball coach since 1990. Purdy will be Pound's assistant on the girls' team. Pound will continue to be Purdy's assistant on the boys' team.

Pound replaces David Wheat, who compiled a 135-57 record over the past eight years and led Lord Botetourt to the past two Group AA girls' basketball championships.

``I'm real excited about it,'' said Pound. ``These girls know what it takes to win, so, hopefully, they'll make things easy for me.

``It's a tough act to follow, but a three-peat obviously is our goal. The pressure for me will be to carry on the winning tradition of this program.''

The Cavaliers next season will be without stars Sara Moore and Sarah Hicks, both of whom graduate in June. Each made all-state last fall for the 27-2 Cavaliers.

Moore, a 5-foot-9 guard who was named Group AA player of the year, has signed a grant with Campbell University.

Hicks, a 6-foot center who has signed with Virginia Tech, was Timesland's 1996 Player of the Year.

Pound was introduced to the girls' team on Thursday before he headed out to coach the baseball team.

Pound coached four sports at Lucy Addison Middle School from 1984 to 1987 and was the assistant varsity baseball coach at Patrick Henry in 1987.

Pound is a 1979 graduate of Pulaski County High School and he earned a degree in education from Virginia Tech in 1983.

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by CNB