Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, March 30, 1997                 TAG: 9703310161


Antoine Womack, the all-time leading rusher in Group AAA, is certain he will play for Virginia.

All-America running back Antoine Womack has changed his mind once. He says he won't do it again.

Womack, from Phoebus High School in Hampton, confirmed Saturday night he has accepted a grant-in-aid from Virginia.

``I'm 100 percent sure that's where I'm going,'' said Womack, rated the No. 1 prospect in Virginia by The Roanoke Times. ``I could still change my mind, but I'm not.''

Womack committed to Penn State in January, but had second thoughts and was prepared to sign with the Cavaliers before anonymous calls and letters suggested possible recruiting violations.

Virginia requested permission to investigate the Womack recruiting and the NCAA sent Paul Hicks to assist UVa officials in preparing a report.

Womack's mother said earlier this week her son had been cleared of any wrongdoing and that UVa would face no sanctions, although there was a ``little something minor'' in the report.

Womack said Saturday night that UVa's ``punishment'' would be that it cannot sign him to a binding letter-of-intent. He will sign a form that will commit Virginia to giving him a scholarship.

``I'll be on the field, I'll be on scholarship,'' he said. ``The way Mr. Hicks explained it, it's to my advantage. It's only a disadvantage to Virginia because I can still be recruited.''

Womack said he would call Penn State coaches this week and advise them of his decision. He told Phoebus coach Bill Dee on Friday and, according to Womack's mother, was given ``the green light.''

``If I was just going to school and wasn't going to play football, it would be Virginia,'' Womack said. ``If I was going to school just to play football, it would be Penn State.

``I just felt more comfortable at Virginia and with the guys going up there from the Peninsula District, I think the program's only going to get bigger and stronger. The sky's the limit.''

Two of Womack's Peninsula District rivals, Hampton High School wide receiver Ahmad Hawkins and running back Darryl Smith, signed with Virginia in February.

Womack joins a talented UVa running-back corps that includes rising sophomore Thomas Jones, Smith and All-America recruit Tyree Foreman. Womack set a Group AAA record by rushing for 5,750 yards in his career.

Although it became apparent Womack was waiting only for the NCAA report before signing with Virginia, he became increasingly impatient when the report was not completed.

``I was thinking, `If it's taking so long, there must be something wrong,''' he said Saturday. ``I came real close to saying, `Forget it,' and signing with Penn State.''

That was earlier this week. By Saturday night, his tone had changed as he looked forward to resuming a normal life.

``If I had a dollar for every time somebody has asked me where I'm going, I'd be a rich man,'' he said. ``I'd be a millionaire without ever having to play pro football.''

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