Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, April 2, 1997               TAG: 9704020070
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-2  EDITION: METRO 
                                             TYPE: NBA


George Lynch is finished riding the dressing room bike for the rest of the NBA season.

Lynch will not play again this season after being sidelined by an abdominal strain Jan.23. Team doctors prescribed rest to allow the injury to heal.

The 6-foot-8 forward from Roanoke had been limited to training on the bike for several weeks, but his condition did not improve.|

``I feel sorry for George, because of his level of competitiveness and wanting to get out of there,'' Vancouver coach Stu Jackson said Tuesday. ``Never in his career has he been hurt for this length of time.''|

Lynch averaged 8.3 points and 6.4 rebounds a game for the Grizzlies. The former Patrick Henry High School star started 27 of 41 games and played both forward positions.|

The Grizzlies obtained Lynch and guard Anthony Peeler from Los Angeles in the offseason when the Lakers unloaded the veterans to make room under the salary cap to sign Shaquille O'Neal.|

``George is a real solid guy and in general the type of guy we like to have around,'' Jackson said when asked if Lynch would return next season.|

Lynch, 27, will miss 41 games due to the injury. |

``I want to come back next year and make an impact on the team so we can win more games,'' said Lynch, who is not scheduled for any surgery at this point.

Lakers deny reports: A winning record despite the absence of two key players doesn't sound like Del Harris has done anything wrong as Los Angeles Lakers' coach - and the team has gone out of its way to deny reports he would be replaced.

``These stories are wrong, period,'' Lakers' executive vice president Jerry West said. A Lakers news release did not say what media reports West had in mind. USA Today listed Harris among 12 coaches who would be replaced after this season, and said Kentucky's Rick Pitino was among possible candidates to be the next Lakers' coach.

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by CNB