Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, April 10, 1997               TAG: 9704100080
      Published correction ran on April 11, 1997.
         The musical event scheduled at Williams Memorial Baptist Church on 
      Sunday is in honor of the Gospel Chorus' first anniversary. The Religion
      Briefs in Thursday's Neighbors section incorrectly listed the 
      celebration in honor of choir director Richard English.



Macedonia Baptist Church, 2910 Cove Road N.W., is presenting the play "Traveling to the Holy City" at 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

A breakfast sponsored by Lantern Locust Grove United Methodist Church, 3415 Locust Grove Lane, Salem, is set for 8:30 a.m. Sunday to support camp scholarships for the youth of Henry Fork Service Center. A donation of $3.25 per adult and $1.50 per child is suggested. For more information, call 380-4303.

A deacons' and deaconesses' joint worship service is scheduled at 4 p.m. Sunday at First Baptist Church, 310 N. Jefferson St. The Rev. Junius R. Hughes is the guest speaker, with the message "We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight." Various choirs and soloists will perform.

Fellowship Baptist Church, 929 Murray Ave. S.E., is offering five special services with Lee Roberson, founder and chancelor of Tennessee Temple University. Sunday services are at 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Evening services also will be held Monday-Wednesday at 7 p.m. Bus transportation is provided. For more information, call 344-6322.

The Roanoke Day Aglow will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the War Memorial, 814 Washington Ave., Vinton. "The Grip of Fear" is the message by Vangie West. The cost of the breakfast buffet is $6.50. For reservations, call 362-4849 or 297-8664 by Sunday.

A Carowinds bus trip, sponsored by Spirit FM, leaves First Baptist Church, 515 Third St. S.W., at 6:30 a.m. April 26 for Sonburst '97 in Charlotte, N.C. The event features contemporary Christian music artists, including Carman, 4 Him and East to West. The cost of $65 per person includes round-trip transportation, breakfast, beverages and all admission fees. For more information, call Spirit FM, 774-9798.

Temple Emanuel, 1163 Persinger Road S.W., will present a model Seder at 4 p.m. Friday. For reservations, call the temple, 342-3378.

Beth Israel Synagogue, 920 Franklin Road, will offer a Passover Seder at 6 p.m. April 22. The cost is $25 for adults, $15 for ages 5-12, and $5 for children 4 and under. For reservations, call 343-0289.


The Glorious Church of God in Christ, 1830 Hanover Ave., will welcome Paula Pearson of Bishopville, S.C., as guest speaker at 7 p.m. Friday. The Bishopville Community Mass Choir will perform with a dramatic presentation by "H.I.V. Deliverance."

The Virginia District Oratorical Festival, hosted by Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 30 Huntington Blvd., will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday.

The Contemporary Gospel Singers from James Madison University will perform at Williams Memorial Baptist Church, 2105 Carroll Ave. N.W., at 3 p.m. Sunday to honor the one-year anniversary of the choir director, Richard English.

Joan Coffey of Ferrum will perform in concert at Riverdale Baptist Church, 1624 Edgarton Ave. S.E., at 7 p.m. Sunday. An offering will be collected.

The University of North Alabama Collegiate Singers and Chamber Choir, directed by Robert Prowse, will perform at First Presbyterian Church, 2101 S. Jefferson St., at 11 a.m. Sunday.

A spaghetti dinner is scheduled Saturday from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at First Church of the Nazarene, 728 Highland Ave. S.E. The cost is $5 per adult and $2.50 for children under 12. Tickets are available through the church office. Call 342-4003.

Diane Hockenberry compiles the religion briefs column weekly. Send information to her in care of Neighbors, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon Thursday.

E-mail or fax 981-3346.

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by CNB