Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, April 10, 1997               TAG: 9704110018



The tax man approacheth

As April 15 looms closer, two very important words are: ``DON'T PANIC.'' These come from local IRS man Mike Spears.

``File something by April 15th and you'll be OK,'' he advised. If you can't get your taxes done, file for an extension, form 4868.

The main post office will be open until midnight on the Ides of April. IRS employees will be in the lobby with extension forms in hand.

If you need help, go to the IRS office on the sixth floor of the Poff Federal Building. If you're there by 5 p.m. on Monday or Tuesday, they won't kick you out until your questions (they can't guarantee prayers) have been answered.

Shop Wise

Get the goods at Bargain Bazaar

Bargain-hunters will find plenty of quarry to scope out Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Junior League's Bargain Bazaar in the former Harris Teeter building at Hill's Plaza on Hershberger Road in Roanoke. (See the story in today's Extra section.)

It's 32,000 square feet of everything a yard sale could possibly have. And it's the good stuff. This is the Junior League, you know.

Get there early. Bring cash - no plastic or checks accepted. Skip that second cup of coffee - no restrooms.

The sale benefits the League's affordable child care project.

Yard sale for 4-H Riders

The 4-H Riders' horses need more leg room so the group is having a yard sale and raffle for riding lessons Saturday at the Virginia Baptist Children's Home. The group hopes to build a barn addition and complete a paddock.

Need more info? Call 387-1456.

The Good Earth

Tired tires collected for free

Unless you're planning to use them as planters, those old tires lying around aren't going to beautify your yard or neighborhood. Get rid of them - free and guilt-free - Friday or Saturday , Tire Amnesty Days, by bringing them to the Roanoke Civic Center, Vinton Public Works, or Towers, Crossroads or Tanglewood malls. There'll be no burning. Promise.

For more info call, 853-1511.


Furry friends seek good homes

If your kids are still sad that the only bunny they got for Easter was made of chocolate, bring them to the Pet Food Superstore next to Sam's in Roanoke on Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. where they can adopt a four-legged friend (sorry, no bunnies) from the Roanoke Valley S.P.C.A.

The adoption days are held once a month, so if you need a little time to think about it, the next one is at Elmwood Park on May 3 and 4 or check the S.P.C.A. during their regular hours. Call 344-4840.

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