Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, April 16, 1997              TAG: 9704160047


The group's coordinator estimates his 84 auxiliary officers saved county taxpayers more than $500,000 last year, and he's actively recruiting more.

Just like Fairfax County police officers, they patrol neighborhoods, write traffic tickets and fingerprint suspects. But they don't carry guns or wear gray uniforms.

They're FCPD Blue.

These men and women in blue uniforms are the county's auxiliary police officers, a group of 84 highly-trained volunteers who perform some of the same duties as police officers, freeing the regular officers for urgent matters and filling gaps from budget cuts.

The volunteer police force, which was started in 1993, is making its presence felt like never before. Last year, the auxiliary officers donated more than 30,000 hours of their time, a record in the group's history.

``These people are really dedicated to put in all that time for no pay,'' said Col. J. Thomas Manger, the department's deputy chief for operations. ``What we've tried to do is expand the kind of duties that they can perform. We're learning that we can give them more opportunities.''

Among other things, auxiliary officers help with search and rescue operations, computer forensics and special events such as Halloween patrol and neighborhood parades. They teach driving classes for senior citizens, write police reports and conduct interviews at crime scenes.

When they're not volunteering for the police department, auxiliary officers are working at their other jobs - as clinical psychologists, pilots, architects, engineers, lawyers and teachers.

On the current force, the auxiliary officers range in age from 24 to 77. As a group, they tend to have a military background, with 48 having served in the armed forces. Eighteen are retirees, 11 have advanced degrees. One is a former ambassador.

Some people are driven to become auxiliary officers by a strong desire to help the community. Others join the force because they would love to be police officers but are reluctant to leave higher-paying jobs.

According to Manger, much of the recent success of the program can be attributed to its newest leader, Fred Sanborn, the group's volunteer auxiliary police coordinator.

``He has really dedicated himself to the auxiliary police,'' Manger said. ``He's been a real shot in the arm.''

Sanborn, a consultant with a senior management consulting firm, has worked hard to expand the duties of his officers to allow the county to maintain its level of service during budget cuts. And he has sought to make the work more exciting.

Several years ago, Sanborn found out about the program the same way a lot of auxiliary officers did: He spotted a police department flier recruiting `` a few good volunteers.'' An applicant has to be between 21 and 75 years old, a U.S. citizen and county resident and must pass a physical exam and criminal background check.

Sanborn was excited but consulted his family first, telling them that it would require a minimum of 24 hours a month and that he would have to be available during weekends, evenings and holidays.

``I was the dad who drove everyone to soccer practice,'' said Sanborn, 46, who has two teen-age daughters. ``I like fire engines. I had a scanner. They said `Go for it, Dad.'''

Like anyone wanting to become an auxiliary officer, Sanborn first had to graduate from the police academy. Recruits are required to undergo more than 400 hours of training, almost half as much as regular police officers.

Sanborn, who volunteered more than 1,000 hours in 1996, estimates that his 84 auxiliary officers saved county taxpayers more than $500,000 last year, and he is actively recruiting more.

The 15 recruits, who will graduate in September, attend class two nights a week and on some weekends.

``Basically, when they leave the academy, they're sworn officers,'' said Jamie Montague, a 13-year auxiliary officer who teaches some of the classes. ``They just don't get paid.''

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