Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, April 17, 1997               TAG: 9704170084
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 3    EDITION: METRO 


Lecture canceled

The lecture by Jill Johnson, scheduled for April 24 at noon in the Art Museum of Western Virginia's lecture hall, has been canceled.

Railway excursions

The Buckingham Branch Railroad will board passengers today, May 24 and June 7 in Dillwyn in Buckingham County.

Sponsored by the Old Dominion chapter of the National Railway Historical Society, the event will feature passenger cars from the 1920s and open-air sight-seeing cars, pulled by one of the railroad's diesel locomotives from the 1950s.

The Buckingham Branch Railroad trips have attracted more than 10,000 passengers in the past four years. Nearly every trip sold out in advance.

On June 7, passengers also may attend Dillwyn Heritage Days, which will feature country foods, arts, crafts and entertainment.

There will be two trips on each day at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Each trip to New Canton lasts three and a half hours.

For adults, the fare is $16; for children 2 to 12, it's $9; and children under 2 who are held ride for free. A box lunch is available for $6.

Additional information and tickets are available at State Farm Insurance on Main Street in Dillwyn, or by writing to the Old Dominion chapter of NRHS, P.O. Box 8583, Richmond, Va. 23226; or by phone Sunday through Thursday from 7-9:30 p.m. at (800) 451-6318.

Advance ticket purchases are recommended.

Children's choir auditions

The Roanoke College Preparatory Division Children's Choir will hold auditions from 4-7 p.m. May 7-9 at Olin Hall.

Children who will be at least 8 years old by Sept. 1 are eligible to audition. To schedule a time, call 375-2096 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on weekdays.

Children should have one song of their choice prepared and will be asked to sing "My Country 'Tis of Thee."

The choir, in its 10th year, has 170 children, ages 8 to 18, in three choirs. The choirs have performed with the Roanoke Symphony, Opera Roanoke and other local groups and at national events such as the national Christmas tree-lighting ceremony.

UVa dean to visit

The University of Virginia's admissions dean will be in Roanoke on Wednesday to meet with area high school sophomores and juniors who are interested in attending the college.

John Blackburn and current UVa students will be available to answer questions starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Roanoke County School Board Office on Cove Road.

For more information, students should talk to guidance counselors or Brenda Life at 992-5035.

`GMA' host to lecture

"Good Morning America" co-host Charles Gibson will talk about current events at 4:30 p.m. Friday in Smith Auditorium at Randolph-Macon Woman's College.

The event will honor retiring politics professor Ernest A. Duff and is free and open to the public.

For more information, call (804) 947-8142.

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