Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, April 20, 1997                 TAG: 9704220015
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C-7  EDITION: METRO 


Jeff Agnew wins his second consecutive Late Model Stock race on a cold and windy night at the track.

The frigid temperatures and brisk winds were about all that kept fans at the New River Valley Speedway from falling asleep Saturday. For the second consecutive race Jeff Agnew led the Late Model Stock class from start to finish, easily winning the Compton Enterprises 200.

Agnew, of Floyd, did more than lead the field. He destroyed it. The race was without a caution period through 84 laps as Agnew surged. He built as much as a five-second lead over second-place Philip Morris, and as much as 12-second advantage over the others.

The pit crew ``changed some things and made our car a little better,'' Agnew said. ``The guys really did a great job.''

The only hope Morris had of catching Agnew came during the race's first caution period, with 15 laps to go. Rick Carrico and Chris Hatchett spun between turns 1 and 2, but both were turned around and racing again quickly.

A mixup in the racing order forced a red flag to re-align the field after the caution, and Morris said the delay hurt his chances.

``I was grateful for the caution, but I'd have been a lot more grateful if we could've won it,'' Morris said. ``If we could have gone back to green right away on hot tires, we might have had something ... but the caution was too long, and the tires got too cool.''

Tink Reedy made the jump from ninth place to third by lap 73, passing Rodney Cundiff on the back straightaway. Cundiff held on for fourth place, and Ray Young was fifth.

AROUND THE TRACK: The track imposed a rule on the Mini and Pure Stock divisions, disallowing the previous week's winner to start the race higher than 10th, regardless of how he qualified. The often-dominant Tommy Allie charged from 10th to second in the Pure Stocks, but was held off by Ronnie Hall at the start-finish line. The victory is Hall's first of the year. ... Eddie Walls has led all 70 laps of the Limited Sportsman class this season, earning his second consecutive victory. ... Chris Martin led the Mini Stocks through the first 23 laps before being pulled back to the rest of the field by a caution period. Kevin Light took full advantage of the situation, racing ahead of Martin in turn 3 on lap 27. It was the second consecutive victory for Light. ... Joe Lucas won the second Late Model Truck race handily. There still are only five trucks competing in the new class.

- Race results are unofficial pending postrace inspections.

LENGTH: Medium:   54 lines

by CNB