THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT
                 Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 10, 1994                    TAG: 9406100756 
SECTION: BUSINESS                     PAGE: I1    EDITION: FINAL  
SOURCE: Short 
DATELINE: 940610                                 LENGTH: 


{LEAD} Virginia's tourism industry should continue a pattern of solid growth this year, according to the forecast issue of the Virginia Business Report from the College of William and Mary. Roy Pearson, Bureau of Business research director, said a 2.6 percent increase in payroll jobs and a 3.1 rise in real income will help boost tourism. Pearson expects retail sales to show a gain of 7.3 percent for 1994 and predicts that the third quarter could show double-digit gains for retail sales. Northern Virginia will be a leader with continuing strong growth in payroll jobs, real income and real retail sales during the balance of 1994, Pearson said. The state's economy will continue to expand in 1995, but at a more moderate pace than this year, he said. Pearson predicts a 4.8 percent increase in personal income in 1995, compared with a 5.6 percent increase this year.

by CNB