THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT
                 Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, June 18, 1994                    TAG: 9406180167 
SECTION: LOCAL                     PAGE: B2    EDITION: FINAL  
DATELINE: 940618                                 LENGTH: Medium 


{LEAD} Maria Aliberti Snidle died Friday June 17, 1994, in Norfolk. She was born in Naples, Italy, on March 15, 1922. Met and married Ernest Snidle in 1949. They recently celebrated their 45th anniversary. She worked in food services and child care. Upon retiring, she genuinely and enthusiastically gave of herself as a DePaul Hospital volunteer, proudly dedicating 28,000 hours of service. During that time she received the community builders award for her outstanding service to the community. The author, Norman Vincent Peele, wrote about her accomplishments in his book The American Character, 1988. On two occasions she was recognized on T.V. channels 3 and 27, on their salute to the volunteer. Maria battled cancer for over 10 years, all the while having a loving word and doing heart-felt deeds for others, including those with cancer.

Surviving family members include her husband, daughter, Anna Maria Hoeflinger, sons, James and Giovanni Snidle, sister Giuila Ferullo, brother Pasquale Aliberti and (6) grandchildren.

{REST} Funeral services will be held at Holy Trinity Church at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 20, 1994, 155 West Government Ave., Norfolk.

The Snidle family deeply appreciate and thank all of Maria's friends and staff at DePaul, ``her second home,'' for the outpouring of their love, support and prayers. Any contributions, please send to, St. Jude Children Research Hospital, P.O. Box 50, Memphis, TN. 38101.

Burial will be in Mount Comfort Cemetery, Alexandria, Va., at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21, 1994.

Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Tidewater Drive Chapel, handling arrangements.


by CNB