THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT
                 Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 21, 1994                    TAG: 9406210009 
SECTION: FRONT                     PAGE: A10    EDITION: FINAL  
SOURCE: Medium 
DATELINE: 940621                                 LENGTH: 


{LEAD} It was saddening to see the editorial page cartoon (June 8) which portrayed a harsh-looking Pope John Paul robed in the sacred vestments of the Holy Mass. A nun was being told, ``Now is not the time to ask for a promotion'' - referring to the teaching of the male-only priesthood.

It is saddening to see how secular interests continue at will to make attacks against the Catholic Church. Here we have a solemn church doctrine being ridiculed as if the Holy Orders were just like any other ``job.'' It is a presumptuous attack against all Catholics to portray their chief bishop in such a way.

{REST} Do any secular interests really care at all about Holy Orders? Does it matter to them at all about the nature of the Sacrament? No, the church was attacked because your paper felt women's career choices are being compromised. The pope was attacked because it was simply another opportunity to criticize the church, its people and its priests.

Bigotry will not end as long as newspapers promote it and readers accept it.


Pungoteague, June 14, 1994

\ As a Catholic woman, I wish to protest your publishing of the June 8 Mike Luckovich cartoon.

The subject of the pope's decision that women cannot be ordained as priests originated with Jesus Christ when he founded our religion. Catholics revere our Holy Father as infallible in matters of faith and morals.

This is not a political decision, not intended to discriminate against women. It should be of very little interest to anyone outside of the Catholic Church.

The artist's portrayal of the pope seems somewhat mean-spirited. I am surprised that with all the subjects of world interest available for your newspaper to lampoon, you chose the Catholic Church.


Onancock, June 12, 1994

by CNB