THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT
                 Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 21, 1994                    TAG: 9406210011 
SECTION: FRONT                     PAGE: A10    EDITION: FINAL  
SOURCE: Medium 
DATELINE: 940621                                 LENGTH: 


{LEAD} It boggles my mind when Republicans, religious groups, evangelists, some Democrats and people of all types use the word ``liberal'' with such disdain and hatred that one would think that they are describing the devil himself.

Your editorial page reflects this same attitude and is lauded by a steady stream of readers.

{REST} This is how Webster's Unabridged Dictionary defines ``liberal'': of a free heart; generous; not narrow, selfish or bigoted; not literal or strict; advocating progress and reform.

``Conservative'' is defined: tending to conserve; tending to preserve established institutions; opposed to change; moderate, cautious.

Both qualities seem to be virtuous. But if we accept Webster's definition, we must assume that the signers of the Declaration of Independence, who revolted against the English crown and formed a new government of democracy, were ``liberal.'' Our founding fathers must have been devils.

In a religious sense, Jesus of Nazareth was also a ``liberal'' differing with the establishment. Martin Luther was ``liberal,'' breaking from the Roman Catholic Church to start the Reformation. Pope John XXIII was ``liberal'' when he called for an Ecumenical Council to change various dogma in the Roman Church. I believe that none of these figures reflect the devil's purpose. I name people who were not self-serving, who were not opposed to change, who were not cautious and who did not preserve established institutions. They cared about others and not just themselves.

So give us ``liberals'' a break and stop associating us with the devil. Look in the mirror!


Buxton, N.C., June 11, 1994

by CNB