The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, July 2, 1994                 TAG: 9407010044
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   27 lines


Both President Clinton and Rep. Vic Fazio, D-Calif., last week engaged in attacks on what they called ``the religious right'' and what they said was the extreme position on issues held by many politically active Christians. They said conservative Christians were in danger of ``taking over'' the Republican Party and using it to impose their views on America.

Those who agree point to positions opposing abortion and in favor of school prayer, which they say are rejected by most Americans. They say Christian conservatives are nostalgic for an America that never was.

Opponents charge Democrats (and some Republicans) with appealing to bigotry and unfairly caricaturing the positions of religious conservatives. They say the criticism comes dangerously close to suggesting they have no right to be involved in politics.

What do you think? Write us at: Reader Debate, P.O. Box 449, Norfolk, Va., 23501. Fax (804) 446-2051. by CNB