The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, July 6, 1994                TAG: 9407020194
TYPE: Close-Up 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   75 lines


Tracy Haste doesn't have a favorite restaurant. She has five. And you have to be specific. Are you asking about her favorite lunch places or her favorite dinner places?

Food plays a big part in Tracy's life. You'd expect that from someone who sells ice cream for a living. Although she got a degree from the University of Georgia in public relations and graphic designs, she's been in the food industry since graduation in 1987.

Her favorite meal? Coleslaw with gravy. Add some of her mom's homemade chicken salad and green beans, and this Atlanta native - nicknamed Peaches - is a happy diner.

``I love food. All food,'' she says.

Full name: Tracy Christine Haste.

Hometown: Atlanta, Ga.

What brought you to the Beach? I graduated from the University of Georgia in 1987 and moved here for my first real job in the working world. Still here

Birthdate: Dec. 12, 1965.

Occupation: I have the BEST JOB selling Jack and Jill ice cream. Besides being fun, it is also a sweet and cool job.

Nickname: Peaches or Sweet Patootsie.

Marital status: Single.

Children: None.

What is your idea of a perfect day off? Coffee with the paper, jogging and then beach it all day, afternoon cocktails and then out on the town with friends.

Last smart thing you did: Made a commitment to my savings, paid off my credit card.

Last dumb thing you did: Dropped a whole cup of black coffee on brand new carpet.

Favorite meal: Coleslaw with gravy on top and my birthday dinner that mom makes me each year - chicken salad and fresh green beans.

Favorite movies: ``Sound of Music,'' ``Red Dawn,'' ``Steel Magnolias,'' ``The Long Riders.''

Favorite song: Elton John's new song. I don't know the name of it, but it melts my heart.

Last book read: ``See, I Told You So'' by Rush Limbaugh.

Hobbies: Jogging, biking, fishing, bungee jumping and chit-chatting with my girl friends.

Secret vice: Tanning bed and popcorn at the Taylors Do It Center.

Favorite restaurant: Five 01 City Grill, Croc's or Hot Tuna for dinner. Fat Tuesday's or Le Matin Bakery for lunch.

Your favorite night on the town: Going on an evening cruise to watch the sun set or have a great dinner with my friends.

Favorite TV shows: ``Good Morning America'' - while I blow-dry my hair.

Favorite sport: Football.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My short stubby legs - and forgetting to give thanks for all my many blessings.

Last vacation: St. Simons Island. It was great. The whole family was together.

Pets: Ruby, my pig.

Worst job: Horrid job. I only lasted three days. It was sticking labels on videos that were on an assembly line. More ended up on the floor than in the box. They fired me. I was so upset - Ha.

Of what achievements are you most proud? President's award given to the most outstanding female student in the senior class at U.Ga., working with Kappa Delta to spread the word on child abuse, and being an older sister to three beautiful younger sisters.

What would you like on your epitaph? She laughed, she smiled, she loved, she really lived. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by DAVID B. HOLLINGSWORTH

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