The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, July 13, 1994               TAG: 9407120126
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Jody R. Snider 
DATELINE: ISLE OF WIGHT                      LENGTH: Medium:   72 lines


Why does a city boy from Philadelphia move to the country?

Well, so he can have horses in his back yard, of course.

At least, that's the reason Bob Howell, an animal control officer, gives for recently moving to Isle of Wight.

Howell, 40, who has lived in Virginia on and off since he was 12, said he was tired of boarding out his four horses and wanted a place where he could be close to his animals.

Isle of Wight was the perfect spot.

Now when Howell wants to relax by riding one of his horses, all he needs to do is saddle up.

But when Howell's not running his horses, he's running the back roads of the county, picking up stray cats and dogs or adopting out animals from the county shelter. In his spare time, he also operates a grooming business at Todds Lane Veterinarian Hospital in Hampton.

The summer months are busy for animal control officers in Isle of Wight, however.

Complaints and calls to pick up strays are more frequent.

``Cats are the big problem,'' he said. ``We must have 20 kittens right now. And there are a lot of stray dogs born out in the wild.

``We try to calm them down so they can be adopted. But sometimes all you can do is put them down,'' he said.

Howell said owners can protect their animals by putting identification on them or having them tattooed.

``All they need is a rabies tag. We can find out who the owner is by the rabies number on the tag,'' he said.

Name: Bob Howell.

What brought you to Isle of Wight: A place to live and where I can have my horses in my back yard.

Hometown: Philadelphia.

Birthdate: May 15, 1954.

Nickname: Bob.

Occupation: Animal control officer.

Marital status: Single.

Children: None.

Favorite movies: Any horror or comedy flick.

Favorite magazine: Any horse or dog magazine.

A book you wish everyone would read, why? The care and maintenance of whatever pet someone has. Too many people don't know how to care for their pets.

Favorite night out on the town: Dinner with friends.

Favorite bar or restaurant: Ken's Bar B-Q Place. The people are friendly. The food is good, and they have great steaks.

Favorite food and drink: Steak and coffee.

Few people know . . . most people know me pretty well.

What's the best thing about yourself? I really couldn't say.

Worst habit: Smoking.

First thing in the morning: Coffee and a cigarette.

Pets: Horses, dogs and cats.

Hobbies: Horseback riding.

Ideal vacation: Horseback riding in the mountains.

Pet peeve: People who don't keep appointments.

First job: Delivery person for a pharmacy.

Worst job: Waiter. I kept spilling the food.

What achievements are you most proud of? Raising and training my pets.

What would you like on your epitaph? ``Finally, a vacation.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

by CNB