The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, July 14, 1994                TAG: 9407130158
DATELINE: ZUNI                               LENGTH: Medium:   51 lines


Brownie badges? Crystal Spafford has them all.

``Right now, Crystal is the only one to have earned all the badges,'' said Ann Lester, spokeswoman for the Colonial Coast Council. ``There may be more, but they don't report it.''

That's quite a distinction, considering the fact that Crystal is one of 7,400 Brownies in the council.

Crystal, 9, is a fourth-grader at Isle of Wight Academy. She is one of 12 members of Girl Scout Group 5020, which is sponsored by the Zuni Ruritan Club and meets in Ivor. Her mother, Ann, is assistant scout leader.

The name - Girl Scout Group - is often used in smaller areas where one troop represents all age groups, beginning with the youngest, the Daisies.

``I was a Daisy,'' Crystal said. ``Then, for three years I was a Brownie. Next year I'll be a Junior Girl Scout.''

Crystal already has earned four of the 110 badges for Juniors.

The Brownie badges cover what the Girl Scouts call their ``Try-It'' projects. There are 40 in all.

``The themes are based on Girl Scouting's five worlds of interest: World of the Out-Of-Doors, World of Well-Being, World of People, World of Today and Tomorrow, and World of the Arts,'' Lester said.

``Each Try-It has six activities to select from,'' she said. ``When possible, girls are encouraged to try all six activities.''

About five Brownies per year report having completed all 40 Try-Its, though the actual total is probably higher.

Crystal has tried to earn and learn as much as possible.

``The longest and hardest thing was composing,'' Crystal said. ``The easiest was learning the five senses. Puppets were the most fun. We did a play - Little Red Riding Hood.''

Crystal's Brownie sash is covered with the badges she has earned for such diverse activities as working with animals - she lives on a farm - and baby-sitting - she has two younger brothers.

It would seem she has little time for other activities, but she is also into soccer, baseball and basketball. ILLUSTRATION: Photo by ERIC THINGSTAD

Crystal Spafford is the only known Colonial Coast Brownie to earn

all the available merit badges.

by CNB