The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, July 21, 1994                TAG: 9407210777
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B04  EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: PORTSMOUTH                         LENGTH: Short :   30 lines


A 33-year-old Chesapeake man who stopped to use a public telephone Tuesday evening was held at gunpoint briefly by a youth who then stole the man's car.

The carjacking took place in the 3700 block of Victory Blvd. at about 10 p.m., police said.

William Johnathan, a private investigator, said he had just tried to use a pay phone when he was approached by a youth who appeared to be 17 or 18. Johnathan said the youth pulled a 9 mm handgun and stepped between him and the driver's side front door of the car.

``I told him to just take the car,'' Johnathan said.

After the youth drove away in Johnathan's 1989, four-door Mazda, Johnathan ran into a service station and called police, he said.

The carjacking was the latest in a series of crimes that have plagued that stretch of Victory Boulevard. A used-car dealer was victimized by vandals who broke windshields and windows in more than 20 cars less than two weeks ago. And a transmission repair shop has had several break-ins this summer.


by CNB