The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, July 29, 1994                  TAG: 9407280076
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  119 lines


THEY ARE WITH the Beach Boys on this one.

Whether it's a trip to Key Largo, Montego Bay or straight to Kokomo, taking a month off to hang in a foreign place sounded like a plan to the group gathered at Katie and Becky Brett's house in Virginia Beach. They answered this week's Teenspeak question, ``If you could take a one month all-expense paid vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?''

Most just wanted a break from the monotony in Virginia Beach, so places like such as Disneyland and Colorado were among the first named. Then there was St. Thomas, the Bahamas and Australia.

Katie Brett, 14, a rising freshman at First Colonial High School, picked Disneyland for her month-long adventure.

``You'd surely get everything done,'' she said.

Besides being able to experience all of the winding roller coasters and mind-spinning amusements, Katie liked the idea of just being a ``kid.'' She said, ``Here, you have to be an adult. People grow up too fast.''

Cruising down the rough rivers of the Colorado is the dream of David Gregory, 18, a recent graduate of First Colonial. ``(My friends) said it was killer. They said it was the best thing they had ever done,'' said David, 18. ``It sounds like a bunch of fun.''

The waves of far off places intrigued J.J. Baumann, 15, and Matt Ward, 14, both rising sophomores at First Colonial. Matt, who thinks Bermuda is the deal, said he would ``want to body board all day and night.''

Although he admitted he would be a little shaky about the monstrous waves, ``I'd get used to it,'' he said.

Becky Brett, 17, chose St. Thomas. ``Everybody needs somewhere to escape to,'' said Becky, a rising freshman at East Carolina University. ``I just want to get away from the U.S. It's too hectic here.''

Escaping with the dolphins in the Bahamas would be the relaxing remedy for 14-year old Kathy Besal. ``I think that would be fun,'' said Kathy, a rising freshman at Cox High School. ``I've never been that far. It would be something new to try.''

Taking safaris in a new jeep would be 19-year-old Ryan Ankeney's experimental trip. Ryan would like to go Down Under to Australia.

``Being in the country would be more fun than riding around Virginia Beach,'' he said. ``Hopefully I'd find a dream girl there.''

But wait. ``I wonder if Australia has MTV,'' he wondered aloud. ``They have to have Beavis and Butt-Head.'' [The following articles appeared as side bars to this story] YOU CAN HOST A TEENSPEAK

WANNA BE famous? Or at least in the newspaper?

Try hosting a Teenspeak.

Each week throughout the summer, reporters and photographers from The Virginian-Pilot will travel to a different city for Teenpseak. Teenspeak features six teens speaking about a topic they're interested in. The stories and pictures of all participants run in the Teenology section on Fridays.

If you'd like to host a Teenspeak at your home, rec center or other gathering spot, call Teenology editor Lorraine Eaton at 490-7212 and leave your name, phone number and the topic you'd like to discuss. Please speak clearly. NEED HELP; GOOD PAY

TEENOLOGY is seeking a movie buff between the ages of 14 and 18 to write reviews for the section. The writing should be lively and informative and not leave the reader guessing about whether you liked the flick. To apply, send a 1 1/2 to two-page review of ``Forrest Gump'' to the address below.

Teenology is also seeking two rising seniors, one guy and one girl, to be advice columnists. To apply, answer the following questions: 1) A friend of mine has been in an abusive relationship lately. I've been trying to convince her to move on to someone else, but she insists that she is too much in love to leave. I think she really needs some help. What can I do for her?

2) My mother snoops through my room when I'm not around. I know this because things are out of order when I get home and she knows personal things about me. How do I get her to respect my privacy?

Answers that give a specific plan of action will get priority. Send your answers, a picture of yourself and references to:

Lorraine Eaton, High School Editor

4565 Virginia Beach Blvd.

Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Include your address and phone number on the application, which must be received by Aug. 28. MEMO: [Related color photos appeared on Page E1 of the Daily Break section on

the same date.]


``I'd go to Colorado to go whitewater rafting. I heard about it

and I just want to try it.''

David Gregory, 18, 1994 graduate of First Colonial High School

``I want to go to the Bahamas to parasail and swim with the


Kathy Besal, 14, rising freshman at Cox High School

``Bermuda to body board. They have big waves.''

Matt Ward, 14, rising sophomore at First Colonial High School

``I want to go to Australia for a trial period. I've always

wanted to live there, but I'd like to try it out first.''

Ryan Ankeney, 19, of Virginia Beach


If you could take a one month all-expense paid vacation anywhere

in the world, where would you go?

To speak out, call INFOLINE at 640-5555 and enter category 7553.

Selected comments will appear in next Friday's Daily Break.

You must have a Touch Tone phone. Calls are toll-free except west

of Suffolk, on the Eastern Shore, the Peninsula and in North


Do you have a topic you think would make a good Teenspeak? We

will now field suggestions on INFOLINE. Call 640-5555 and enter

category 7553.

by CNB