The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, July 31, 1994                  TAG: 9407280226
SOURCE: Drew C. Wilson
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   60 lines


Max Bridge, who plays the part of Wano in the Paul Green outdoor drama ``The Lost Colony,'' has been in the cast for three years.

``The Lost Colony'' is performed each summer at the Waterside Theatre on Roanoke Island in Manteo.

Max spends his summers living in Manteo to be in the play, but lives and attends school in Durham, N.C.

``I love acting,'' says Max. ``I like it because I get paid.

``It's good as a summer job. You get to meet a lot of people. Also you get to carry around props that are really cool.''

Max says he has only suffered stage fright one time. ``It was my first year when I was playing a colonist. I was supposed to say a line in the play and give some sassafras roots to my stage mom. I got stuck in the middle of the phrase because we had a big audience.''

Name: Max Bridge

Age: 11

Parents' names: Don and Lisa Bridge

Siblings: Alice, 8, sister

Hometown: I summer in Manteo, but live in Durham

Grade in school: sixth grade

What do you want to learn from school this year? I don't really know. I'm just waiting for whatever comes at me. Mainly science, though.

What do you like about school? I like science, math, and recess (laughs).

What do you dislike about school? Homework

What is your favorite food? Probably corned beef

What is your favorite drink? Probably Sunkist

Where is your favorite place to eat? At home. . . . There's not so much noise as there is in the cafeteria at school.

What's a perfect day for you? Fridays, because I usually get to stay up later than on school days. I like to watch TV and goof off.

What is it that people don't know about you? That I like math.

What are your best qualities? That I can make people laugh. That's about it.

What are your worst qualities? That I can sometimes annoy people. I just hang around them a lot and talk to them too much.

What is your favorite album? I like Queen and Weird Al Yankovic.

What is your favorite movie? That would probably be ``Jurassic Park.''

What is your favorite hobby? That would be collecting comic books.

What is last book you read? ``Jurassic Park''

What do you want to do when you grow up? I probably want to be an inventor. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by DREW C. WILSON

Max Bridge, 11, spends his summers in Manteo so he can act in ``The

Lost Colony'' play. His home is in Durham.


by CNB