The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, July 31, 1994                  TAG: 9407290238
SOURCE: Allison T. Williams 
DATELINE: COURTLAND                          LENGTH: Medium:   70 lines


Jim Covington, 45, just graduated from school - the Virginia Forensic Science Academy.

The Southampton County sheriff's deputy/detective completed the 10-week course April 27. In the class, professional examiners teach officers the correct way to collect, preserve and file criminal evidence.

Only 20 law enforcement officials in the state are selected to attend the academy each year. Covington was selected after he was recommended by his boss, Sheriff Vernie W. Francis Jr., and passed the course's required pre-test.

``This was one of the most challenging schools I have been to during my 16 years in law enforcement,'' Covington said.

Covington's participation in the class brings a new level of investigative expertise and technology to Southampton County. And it has enabled the county to be less dependent on Virginia State Police resources.

``Timing is of the essence in criminal investigations,'' Covington said. ``After I completed the academy, the county was able to buy some equipment we didn't have.

``Now we don't have to tax other people's resources with our investigations,'' he said. ``We are more efficient.''

What brought you to Southampton County? I was born and raised in Drewryville.

Birthdate: Jan. 24, 1949.

Nickname: Jim.

Marital status: Married to Peggy.

Children: Christina, 18, and Justin, 14.

Occupation: Deputy sheriff/detective sergeant.

Favorite magazine: ``Skin Diver''

Favorite movies: Any action movie.

Favorite food/drink: Oriental foods.

A book I wish everyone would read and why? I wish people would read anything. Reading leads to knowledge and knowledge promotes improvement.

Favorite night out on the town? Eating dinner and going to the movies with my wife.

Favorite bar or restaurant? Fred's in Franklin and The Tobacco Company in Richmond.

Few people know that I . . . enjoy reading and collecting books on the Kennedy assassination.

What's the best thing about yourself? I hope it is that I try to be patient and listen to people's problems.

Worst habit? Procrastination, but I am working on it.

First thing in the morning? Coffee, coffee, coffee!

Hobbies: Scuba diving and hunting.

Pet peeve: Juvenile crime.

Pets: A German shepherd named Jake and a springer spaniel named Dixie.

Ideal vacation: Anywhere the weather is warm and the water is clear.

First job: Unloading peanut trailers.

Worst job: Unloading peanut trailers!

What achievements are you most proud of? Spending 16 years with the sheriff's office and getting through the Virginia Forensic Science Academy without ulcers.

What would you like on your epitaph? ``With age came wisdom. With wisdom came fairness.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MICHAEL KESTNER


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