The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, August 5, 1994                 TAG: 9408040231
COLUMN: The Road Warrior 
SOURCE: The Road Warrior 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  120 lines


This week, the City Council voted to ``accept and appropriate a $600,000 grant'' awarded by the Federal Hazard Elimination Project to our city so that we can make improvements to two designated areas: Shore Drive and a railroad crossing at Euclid Road.

As part of the package, the council also agreed to transfer $60,000 from the Capital Improvement Program as part of the city's share of the project.

Based on the accident history of Shore Drive, the city was awarded the grant to improve conditions on 2.5 miles of the road from the west gate of Fort Story to Atlantic Avenue.

Exactly what improvements haven't been decided yet. The city will hire a consultant who will examine the road and recommend ways to make it safer.

This information won't be available until October or November, and then the city plans to hold a public hearing on it.

As for the railroad crossing at Euclid Road, that project will follow the same route as the Shore Drive project. The information will probably come due about the same time, too.

But, be advised that the city is looking to make Shore Drive and at least one railroad crossing safer. Road will keep you posted on the particulars as the information becomes available.


The following people called Road's INFOLINE number with their complaints.

David Tuffey, Kindall Wood Drive. I'm calling in response to your comments concerning bicyclists on Great Neck Road. I ride and I ride frequently on Great Neck Road. I do not try to make up my own rules. I follow the same rules as I do as a motorist.

I would like to point out, however, that the bike path on Great Neck Road is not suitable for anything except pleasure riding. If you're really trying to ride for exercise purposes, as I do, at 15 mph going down the sidewalk with people walking with strollers, jogging and the frequent stops as you cross the crossing streets is just not a working solution. A better answer would be to have a protected bike path on the highway and to allow people who are riding bikes to share the roads with the motorists.

I do own a car. I pay my property taxes and I feel that I have a right to use the road to some extent as well. I also think that it's necessary for bike riders to maintain the same respect for the laws that I do driving my car but riding on the sidewalk is not a very good solution.

RW: Now that's what Road likes to see - a responsible biker who claims to follow the same rules driving as when he's pedaling. Road has no beef with bikers who want to share the road, as long as they're doing it in the appropriate places (where there's room, for example) and they're following the same laws as everyone else. As for the bike path being built for recreational purposes, I don't think you'll get an argument about that. They were built for recreation and in the meantime, if you get a little exercise, then great.

Steve Armstrong, Aragona Village. I've got a beef with Virginia Beach Boulevard and Aragona Boulevard. Coming from the south side you have the straight across lane and the right turn. Coming from the north side to the south side you have a left turn only and a straight across and right turn.

Isn't there anything they can do to stagger those signals so that the people coming from the south to the north don't have to fight the people trying to make a left turn coming out of Aragona? Appreciate you looking into it, Road.

RW: This sounds like a fairly simple request, Steve, but the truth is, it's not.

There would have to be heavy traffic from both sides of Aragona going straight and turning left to warrant a signal timing change. If folks aren't getting through on the cycle lengths (even though they may have to sit to be sure there is no oncoming or left-turning traffic, etc.) then that'd be a different problem and might warrant a timing change. However, as congested as the intersection seems to be, especially at rush hour, that's not the case. All of the cars, going straight and turning, are getting through on the green light.

Remember also that the side streets are not a high priority. Engineers say it's more important to move traffic on the main streets. Sorry.

Rita, no address given. Road, I'm calling about the section on Baxter Road where you're coming out of the Food Lion on Baxter Road toward Independence. Every single week I see somebody has an accident there. A light, a sign, something has to be done. It's crazy. I know that it's very close to the intersection on Independence Boulevard, within a block, but it's crazy and I still think they need a light there.

RW: Rita, there's a light, the Bonney Road connector signal, and Greens Drive, which is barely three blocks from Food Lion where folks can make a safe U-turn. Road has no earthly idea why a driver would sit and wait to turn left onto Baxter just to get to Independence. Hang a right, go to the light and U-turn!

There's a chance that one day a signal might be installed there. If you noticed, there's development as we speak. How much development may determine whether a signal is installed. Road knows one thing, if it happens, it won't be anytime soon.

Bob Mandigo, no address given. I called you about a year ago, maybe a year and a half now, about getting a green light for the left turns at the corner of Parliament and Princess Anne on the Norfolk side of that intersection. There's been one of those lights up there since February or March, and I don't know if you caused this but I wanted to call and say thank you. It seems to be working really well and we don't get those backups on Parliament Drive like we used to. I appreciate all your help and keep up the good work. Bye.

RW: Gosh, Bob. Wish Road could lay claim to the change, but, alas, Road can't. It's been so long there's no telling who prompted the change. But glad it got done anyway.

Patrick, no address given. I'm calling because I live on General Booth Boulevard, close to the beach and as you probably know, if you're going south on General Booth, past the Rudee Inlet Bridge, the speed limit's 40, if you go up a ways it's 25.

People don't go 25. I think they need to have the speed checked there. People are going too fast. OK?

RW: People are going too fast everywhere, Patrick. Sounds like this area's in need of a little enforcement. Which is surprising, considering it's summer and most of the police force is at the Oceanfront already. MEMO: Tell the Road Warrior about your motoring problems. Get 'em off your

chest. Call on Infoline, at 640-5555. After a brief message, dial ROAD

(7623). When directed, press 1 to deliver your message, and 1 again to

sign off.

Or, write: The Road Warrior, Virginia Beach Beacon, 4565 Virginia

Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, Va. 23462.

Don't forget to include your name, address and neighborhood.

by CNB