The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, August 6, 1994               TAG: 9408050015
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A14  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   44 lines


``On the trail of the non-friends of Bill and Hillary'' (op-ed page, July 29) by conservative columnist Thomas Sowell called President Clinton and his wife ``sleaze'' and a danger to the lives of the average American.

I do not think Mr. Clinton is any more a danger than any politician on the national scene, except, maybe, Sen. Bob Dole, the right-wing poster boy for political inaction and gridlock.

Surely Mr. Clinton is no saint, but I do not think anyone (except those scared of reform and vindictive people like Mr. Sowell) cares about allegations of pre-presidential scandals.

We should concentrate more on what Mr. Clinton's contributions will be as president to save the country from 12 years of GOP neglect by backward-thinking reactionaries like Mr. Sowell.

Mr. Clinton has been an ardent supporter of business development and economic stability. He is concerned about revamping our urban areas and national infrastructure, which were unattended during the GOP hold on the White House.

What about his inclusion of women and minorities in high levels of government and the national health-reform plan?

And if Mr. Sowell and his right-wing pals have solutions to the president's problems overseas, please share them with us.

I feel sorry for blacks like Mr. Sowell, who has benefited from reformist movements in this country but now sits back and criticizes. He should not allow himself to be used to hurt one of the best efforts in this country's history.

I have never understood intellectual puppets like Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas, who will blame the victims - black men, women, gays and others - whose advancement has been retarded by the same people who are Sowell's and Thomas' main sponsors.


Norfolk, July 31, 1994 by CNB