The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, August 10, 1994             TAG: 9408090123
TYPE: Close Up 
SOURCE: Jody R. Snider 
DATELINE: SMITHFIELD                         LENGTH: Medium:   81 lines


Smithfield is a nice town to raise a family, according to Richard MacManus, a supervisor of engineering with the Surry Nuclear Power Station in Surry.

And MacManus, 38, ought to know. He and his wife Tina lived in four capital cities before coming to Smithfield six years ago.

Since then, MacManus has done a lot to leave his mark in the small rural community.

He is the founding president of the Christian Outreach Program, a group that has grown from seven to 21 churches in three years. The group also sponsors ``Souper Saturday,'' donating more than $20,000 to social services, which aids poor county residents in paying their winter heating bills.

MacManus said he is now working on a project that aids senior citizens with dental care. The group just received a $5,000 grant from the United Way that will help them with the project.

In addition to his work with the Christian Outreach Program, MacManus also just finished his second term as president of Hardy Elementary School, where he encouraged the building of a physical training course on the school playground. All the work was done by volunteers, which cut the cost of the project considerably.

``You have to be involved in the education process,'' said MacManus, who has two daughters at Hardy Elementary School.

MacManus said next year, when his older daughter starts attending Smithfield Middle School, he will become involved with the PTA there.

``It's easy to be involved in family-type activities here,'' he said. ``There are those `extra' people watching over everything in general. The community pulls together for mutual support.''

Name: Richard K. MacManus.

What brought you to Isle of Wight: Good luck and a desire for a shorter commute to work at Surry Nuclear Power Station.

Hometown: Akron, Ohio.

Birthdate: Aug. 29, 1955.

Nickname: Rich.

Occupation: Engineer.

Marital status: Married to Tina for 15 years.

Children: Megan, 10; Connie, 8; and Jane, 3.

Favorite movies: ``Sounder,'' ``2001 - A Space Odyssey'' and ``The Sound of Music.''

Favorite magazines: ``Sports Illustrated,'' ``Esquire'' and ``Vanity Fair.''

A book you wish everyone would read, why? First, I wish that everyone would just read more books. However, the most important book you can read is the Bible.

Favorite bar or restaurant: I once ate at this wonderful restaurant outside of Laconia, N.H., that had the largest and best tasting prime rib that I've ever eaten. I have forgotten the name of the restaurant. However, I haven't forgotten the meal.

Favorite night out on the town: Dinner alone with Tina, my wife, at a nice restaurant.

Favorite food and drink: Prime rib (medium rare), baked potato, salad and iced tea.

Few people know . . . that I really love the Cleveland Indians and admire Richard Nixon.

What's the best thing about yourself? I'm typically well organized.

Worst habit: Procrastination.

First thing in the morning: Wake up and mentally run through the day.

Pets: None.

Hobbies: Reading and travel.

Ideal vacation: A family vacation driving around Europe in a van.

Pet peeve: Being late.

First job: A newspaper route delivering the Akron Beacon Journal.

Worst job: Having to wash dishes after supper when I was 11 years old.

What achievements are you most proud of? My family.

What would you like on your epitaph? ``Yep, he's dead.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

Richard K. MacManus

by CNB